SirJeff's Ponygirls Website History:

Welcome to my ponygirl website.

Oct. 30, 2002:

   This week's headline art, steeplechase, another by Featured Artist MC.
   From Bondage Life 32, May 1988, the delightful classic B and D Academy, Chapter 3, The Great Race. Written by Snidely and illustrated by the great Tarsis. As scanned by Grimbor Chainsman and text converted by Korodny.
   The third of six parts of a ponygirl story dating from 1946, The Magic Island, as revived by website fan Reverie. Written and illustrated by the great John Willie. The contest continues for artists and authors to complete this story. Already, Bali Hai has sent me his version of story parts 7 through 13! And Reverie sent me his version of part 7. Anyone else?
   The first of two vids from another Ken Marcus Ponygirl photoshoot. Ken Marcus is my favorite fetish photographer, and Aimee Sweet is way beyond sweet.

Oct. 23, 2002:

   This week's headline art, another of african queen, by Featured Artist MC.
   The second of six parts of a ponygirl story dating from 1946, The Magic Island, as revived by website fan Reverie. Written and illustrated by the great John Willie. The contest continues for artists and authors to complete this story. Already, Bali Hai has sent me his version of story parts 7 through 13!
   The last of four vids from a Ken Marcus Ponyparty photoshoot. Ken Marcus is my favorite fetish photographer.

Oct. 16, 2002:

   This week's headline art, african queen, is another fascinating one by Featured Artist MC.
   The first of six parts of a ponygirl story dating from 1946, The Magic Island, as revived by website fan Reverie. Written and illustrated by the great John Willie.
   Last week's headline art by Featured Artist MC inspired yet another poem, Stalled, by Featured Author peterloaf.
   SirJeff's conclusion to the Plight Trilogy, Debby's Plight - Part 3.
   The third of four vids from a Ken Marcus Ponyparty photoshoot. Ken Marcus is my favorite fetish photographer.

Oct. 8, 2002:

   This week's headline art, stalled, is another remarkably delicious one by Featured Artist MC. It is so intricately detailed, even his signature is almost hidden.
   Four pictures from a new Real Life Ponygirl, wavehorse.
   Two more poser art ponygirls by Featured Artist Architect. These were just posted to the sjpg2001 yahoo group.
   A poem by SirJeff, Pony Fate. This week it is reissued including some of the artwork that inspired it.
   The last of ten parts of a ponygirl story by Tom Picciani dating from 1993, Island Pleasures, as revived and illustrated by website fan Dr. K. P.
   The second of four vids from a Ken Marcus Ponyparty photoshoot. Ken Marcus is my favorite fetish photographer.

Oct. 1, 2002:

   Would you believe that this week's headline art was done in three minutes in 1998, while on the phone, by Featured Artist Turk. Amazing!
   Three Steps - Part Two, continuing the story by Dark Marcy. This one is even better than the first part.
   Time for another poem by SirJeff, Pony Fate. This week it will be just prose, next week I am reissuing it, including some of the artwork that inspired it.
   The ninth of ten parts of a ponygirl story by Tom Picciani dating from 1993, Island Pleasures, as revived and illustrated by website fan Dr. K. P.
   The first of four vids from a Ken Marcus Ponyparty photoshoot. Ken Marcus is my favorite fetish photographer.

Go to older history:
Sep. 2002
Aug. 2002
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
Apr. 2002
Mar. 2002
Feb. 2002
Jan. 2002
Dec. 2001
Nov. 2001
Oct. 2001
Sep. 2001
Aug. 2001
July 2001
June 2001
May 2001
Apr. 2001
Mar. 2001
Feb. 2001
Jan. 2001
Dec. 2000
Nov. 2000
Oct. 2000
Sep. 2000
Aug. 2000
July 2000
June 2000
May 2000
April 2000
March 2000
Feb. 2000
Jan. 2000

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