SirJeff's Ponygirls Website History:
Nov. 30, 2000:
Yes I know. Many have written that my history and headline index pages are out of date. I will try to do a catch-up on them soon.
This week's most instructive headline art is by my friend and featured artist Chas.
A Final Look - Jennifer is sold, the first of two book excerpts from Part 4 of Degradation Ranch, supplied for exclusive use on SirJeff's Ponygirls website by Dr. K. This book is soon to be released from Tawsingham.
The first of seven vidcaps by max, max-sj-bdclub5_pony1.rm. I now have a number of very nice new vidcaps from max, maniac and tph, and I am featuring them alternately in the coming weeks.
Nov. 23, 2000:
This week's updates are dedicated to the memory of Tammad Ramilia.
I am sad to report that Tammad was killed November 20th, in a car accident on Interstate I95 in Maryland. It was a multi-car accident and he was killed instantly.
Tammad had tireless love and devotion to the SM community in many ways. His website has long been an invaluable resource and his dedication to teaching and education within the scene will not soon be forgotten.
This week's headline picture is of ponygirl Gigi, from the wonderful NY Pony series of photos by Tammad Ramilia.
Something unusual was sent to me by Reverie. A letter to the editor (from John Willie's Bizarre Volume 15/16, published in 1955) called Plantation Ponies. Yes Virginia, there were ponygirl fantasies back in The Stone Age.
A new Real Life ponygirl yvi, supplied by her owner, Merlin.
OOOPS. The first of seven vidcaps by tph, tph-sj-reiten01.rm, from the movie Gutes Reiten, Schlechtes Reiten, was posted as a smaller less clear compression last week and was only corrected several days later. If you have it in the wrong size, you may wish to get it again.
The first of three vidcaps by maniac, ma-sj-step1.rm.
I now have a number of very nice new vidcaps from max, maniac and tph, and will be featuring them alternately in the coming weeks.
Nov. 16, 2000:
This week's headline art is by the artist Ann. Yummm.
Eight newer poser art by Featured Artists Flat1line, which I have optimized for the net. He is getting better as he learns to use the Poser tools.
Eden, a book excerpt from Xaltatun of Acheron's, new Dodecahedron Series.
The first of six vidcaps by tph, tph-sj-reiten01.rm , from the movie Gutes Reiten, Schlechtes Reiten.
Nov. 9, 2000:
This week's headline art is by an unknown artist.
A story from Ponymaster, Ponies in the Parade.
The last 14 of 54 pictures captured from the video Gutes Reiten, Schlechtes Reiten, supplied by tph, and reduced in pixels by me. He has made the vidcaps of this, Shayla's House of Bondage and of Dresden Diaries 19 now, and I will be featuring these shortly.
The second vidcap by Max, max-sj-lady-s2.rm, from the movie Lady S.
Nov. 2, 2000:
Since my primary server for vids had closed suddenly, there has been, and will continue to be, some instability while I try to move everything around.
Now I am using an ftp component for many of the picture and art archives. This allows only one view/download at a time. The website is designed for those with browsers, and this helps them, while reducing the impact of those scanning. Unfortunately, webtv browsers cannot access ftp links, and I have yet to come up with something to help them.
The main site ( ) contains everything.
The mirror site ( ) now contains everything that the main site does, but only the featured artists originally shown on my site.
Bookmark only the above urls, all else is likely to change around. The best place to keep track of my latest urls is in sjpg main page in There are these
there that are flashing when they are up.
This week's headline art is by Coolcat.
Another story from Leviticus, More Tales from the Valley - Part 9.
One more from Featured Artist billyx.
A book excerpt from John Norman's Captive of Gor, Chapter 6. Yes, even Gor has ponygirls!
Another 12 of 54 pictures captured from the video Gutes Reiten, Schlechtes Reiten, supplied by tph, and reduced in pixels by me. He has made the vidcaps of this, Shayla's House of Bondage and of Dresden Diaries 19 now, and I will be featuring these shortly.
A first vidcap by Max, max-sj-lady-s1.rm, one of a pair from the movie Lady S. Look for many more to come from Max.
Go to older history:
Oct. 2000
Sep. 2000
Aug. 2000
July 2000
June 2000
May 2000
April 2000
March 2000
Feb. 2000
Jan. 2000