Cinnamon (she’d gotten the nick-name because of her red-orange hair and decided to keep it) had been with Ben for several months and things were getting a little slow in the passion department although everything else between them was perfect. She was getting worried that maybe he was loosing interest in her, maybe even seeing another woman on the side. Then one afternoon - while Ben was at work - she discovered a stack of magazines while reorganizing a closet. Somewhat to her dismay and disgust they were “ Ponygirl” magazines depicting human girls dressed up as ponies, with boots with toes shaped like horse’s hooves and bits and bridles and all sorts of harnesses and all. She looked through them trying to imagine what anyone would find interesting – then she’d found a picture of a girl who looked a lot like her all dressed up as a pony-girl, and she’d started imagining herself as the girl in the picture, wearing all of her pony-gear. To Cinnamon's surprise she discovered that the idea excited and fascinated her.
She and Ben lived on a large property on the outskirts of the city, with a large enclosed backyard and she could imagine a corral or a horse barn out there easily enough. She remembered that Ben had told her about a horse he’d had as a kid and guessed he’d probably prove a good trainer. She packed all the magazines back where she found them, then piled the stuff they’d been under back over them, then finished organizing everything else she’d unpacked and put it back – all the while imagining herself as Ben’s Ponygirl Pet being trained by him while wearing the full harness.
Several of her female friends had started immersing themselves into Pet Play roles with their lovers and she was intrigued by the idea, maybe it was the perfect thing to get Ben to pay attention to her again. She decided to try it and see, so the next day she called Tommy and told him about her ideas. He encouraged her to go ahead and try it, and offered help if she needed it. She thanked him and asked him to help her figure out how to carry this mad scheme off. Tommy chuckled and said he already had some ideas. He suggested that she tell Ben she’d be out of town for a couple weeks visiting family, and instead he and the other guys would take some time to help her get into her role. She agreed to this idea and made arrangements to meet him the next day. After hanging up the phone she packed some bags to make it look like she was preparing for a trip.
That evening she told Ben about an ailing Aunt that she was going to go visit for a while, maybe as long as two weeks. Ben looked concerned and offered to go with – but she told him that he shouldn’t take the time from work on her behalf, that she’d be fine. He agreed to that and promised that she could call him if she needed anything and he’d come help. She smiled at him and gave him a big hug – feeling convinced that she was making the right choice. If Ben was intrigued with the idea of having a Ponygirl, she’d give him his Ponygirl.
The next evening she packed her bags in her car and drove over to Tommy and Lynn’s. They moved her bags into one of the spare rooms and they rearranged another room to be her stable for the next couple weeks while she was in training. Once that was done they all went down to the Fantasy Gifts shop together and went through costumes for her. Lynn finally pulled one out that Cinnamon decided she liked. Then they went to the leather section of the shop and got her fitted out with a harness, bit and bridle, and the very important hoof-boots. They laced her into a pair and had her trot around a little to get used to them and make sure they were the proper size for her – size being very important as if they were too loose they’d slip around on her feet too much and she’d risk an injury, but too tight and she’d loose feeling in her feet and also be at risk of injury. When they found the pair that seemed to fit her best she decided to wear them “home” to get used to the feeling of having to balance up on her toes constantly.
Once they got back to the house, she wasted no time in taking a quick shower and then going into her “stable” with Lynn to get into the latex part of her costume. She and Lynn oiled her up with baby oil and pulled her into the latex costume that made her body look somewhat like a horse’s coat of fur, complete with the tail projecting from the back. They’d chosen one especially that matched her own natural hair-color instead of having to dye her hair to match the suit. The feeling of the tight latex was exciting, she loved the way it molded itself to her body. Once she was laced up and sealed in and had the ear-pieces and contact lenses in place, she and Lynn bounced into the main bedroom so she could look at herself in their full-length mirror. She had to admit that she looked pretty cute in the latex suit. She didn’t imagine that Ben would be able to ignore her much after this.
Lynn grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the living room where Tommy waited with the rest of the gear. He started off by putting the hoof-boots on her and lacing them up tight, and then followed those with the hoof-gloves that prevented her from having use of her fingers. Once the boots were on he had her stand up. Then he fitted her with the bit and bridle. The bit was a leather-covered dowel that went between her teeth and the bridle straps that crisscrossed her face kept her from being able to spit it out. Next he got her into the harness that could be used to hitch her up to a cart. The straps went all around her body and Tommy tightened them up snuggly. Once that was on her, Tommy had Lynn hold her mane out of the way while he put the bell collar that seemed to be part of all of the pet-play costumes around her neck and she heard the click as it locked shut. She shuddered a bit at that sound and finally shrugged as she accepted what she was getting herself into. She had to admit that she was feeling very horny just then, the feel of the tight latex covering her from the neck down combined with the rest of her costume made her feel very helpless, and yet paradoxically free. She almost wished she was in a field outdoors someplace where she could run around and burn off some of the nervous energy she was feeling. Tommy saw how jumpy she was and asked her if she’d like to go into the back yard and run around a bit – that it was dark enough and with the privacy fence that surrounded the yard nobody would see her – she nodded her head. Tommy led her out back and she and Lynn ran around the yard for several minutes until her feet started to hurt in the boots, then she trotted back to the door and waited to be let in again.
Once the girls were back inside, Tommy told her that he’d found a place that sold pony-carts and that in a few days they’d go check them out. Tommy said the owner had admitted that he sometimes sold carts for ponygirl enthusiasts and he had several possibilities on hand, and was willing to do a private showing for them. Cinnamon was eager to go look at the carts, wondering how well she’d do pulling one. She’d always been a fairly athletic girl but this would be a real test, especially in the pony-boots.
She spent the next couple days almost entirely in harness the whole time, getting used to the feel of it and of balancing on the boots. At night Tommy would attach a lead-rope to her bridle and have her run circles around him in the back yard to strengthen her legs. Although Lynn had full use of her paws, she never did anything to help remove any of the harness, leaving all of that to Tommy. Cinnamon was stuck in the harness, having to wait for Tommy to help her out of it so she could shower and clean herself. Tommy would take out a hairbrush and brush out her long mane and tail and she got used to the idea of being groomed by another. It felt good to be taken care of and she enjoyed the attention, only a bit disappointed that it wasn’t Ben doing it - there would be time for that soon enough she hoped.
Then finally came the day to go look at carts. She was very excited about that, prancing around the house all day while waiting for Tommy to come home and take her. Lynn mewled at her at first, but then caught her excitement and spent some time chasing her. Finally Tommy came home and bundled the girls up and took them out to the garage and loaded them into the car, then drove them to the cart-wright's shop. The owner was there and waved them to go around back, where the girls could be offloaded out of sight of the public. Tommy unloaded the girls and then removed their “street” clothes leaving them to run around in their pet costumes. The shop owner admired the two girls and told Tommy he was very lucky to have two such pets. Tommy told him that Lynn-Kitty was his only pet, and that Cinnamon-Pony was in training for a friend. The girls both seemed a bit relieved to have that explained, and the shopkeeper just looked Cinnamon over and said that her future owner was a lucky man – she was going to make a lovely pony. She whickered and tossed her mane happily, accepting the compliment.
He took them over to the pony carts and showed off several that could work for her. She looked them over carefully, deciding which one she thought would look best with her drawing it and stood in front of it. Tommy asked her if this was the one she wanted and she tossed her head again and nodded. The shopkeeper directed her to turn around and backed her between the cart-posts, then picked them up and attached them to her harness, showing Tommy how to do this. She could feel the weight of the cart that she was now hitched to as it pulled against her harness. She wondered what would happen next, and was eager to find out. The shopkeeper then attached reins to her bridle and gave them to Tommy, directing him to hop into the cart and take her for a spin.
Tommy did this, giving the reins a shake with a “giddap” and she began to trot, pulling the cart along behind her. It wasn’t as heavy - even with Tommy in it - as she feared, but pulling it was still a lot of work – especially in the boots that she was still struggling to get used to. Tommy used the reins to control her by forcing her to face the direction he wished to go until she turned her body that way. He directed her until she was pulling the cart around a circle – a small track she realized. Lynn came out and chased them around once, but got tired of it after that and just found a spot where she could watch them. Tommy took her two circles around the track before she felt completely exhausted – even though she wanted to continue - the excitement of it all spurred her energy on and she managed to make another circle before the shopkeeper stepped out and waved them down. He told Tommy that he shouldn’t wear the pony out completely, if she stumbled and tripped she could be lamed and then she’d be worthless until she recovered – if she ever did. Cinnamon was shaking with exhaustion and she whickered her thanks to the shopkeeper for his help, and then trotted the cart back to its starting place when Tommy shook her reins again.
The shopkeeper showed Tommy how to detach her from the rig and she was again bundled into her street clothes and loaded into Tommy’s car along with Lynn. Cinnamon was very tired, her feet hurt a lot, but she felt almost paradoxically happy. The shopkeeper told Tommy that he was free to bring the pony around every evening if he wanted to build up her strength and endurance to pull the cart, Tommy agreed to that – and Cinnamon was very pleased to hear this. When she was finally returned to Ben she wanted him to be proud of how well she could pull the cart around with him riding it.
When they got back to the house Tommy removed all of her leather pony-gear so she could go bathe herself, she was grateful for that because she was soaked with sweat at the effort of pulling the pony-cart. She considered getting Lynn’s help to remove the latex bodysuit but she just jumped into the shower wearing it and scrubbed herself and it down. After she’d toweled herself dry again she went back to Tommy and had him redress her into her full rig, then trotted off to her “stall” and lay down for the night, utterly exhausted, but deliriously happy.
After that, every day while Tommy was at work Cinnamon would coax Lynn into letting her out into the back yard so she could run. She’d practice running around in a circle around the yard until she was too tired to do it again, and then sit down for a rest before getting up and making another circle. She was determined to improve her stamina and get her body more used to the strange boots. Every night after dinner Tommy would take them back to the cart shop and she’d be harnessed up to her cart and driven around the track. When she could trot her way around the track three times without signs of fatigue Tommy upped the circuits to four, then eventually five. The shopkeeper was impressed, saying that most ponies take months to show the improvement she was making in just a couple weeks. Cinnamon tossed her head, her eyes gleaming with the complement.
Eventually her two weeks of training were up and she was curious about what Tommy’s plans to return her home were. Early on Saturday Tommy took off, leaving Cinnamon and Lynn at home. He eventually returned with a horse-trailer attached to the back of his car which he backed into the garage. He bundled the two girls up and took them out to see the contents of the trailer, which turned out to be her new cart. He unbundled her, then backed her between the rails of the cart and secured her to it. He showed her a railing that she could hold onto for the ride. Lynn hoped into the trailer with her, and Tommy asked her if she wished to ride in the trailer with Cinnamon - which she answered with a nod and a happy meow – so Tommy unbundled her too and left them in the trailer as he closed it up.
Cinnamon made the ride back home in the trailer, stomping in her anxiety to see Ben again. She was eager to show him what she’d done, but a bit nervous about how he’d respond. Lynn sat down and watched her friend, grinning at her. Eventually she could feel the car slowing and the lurch as it backed up, and then the silence as the engine shut off. She waited anxiously after that for the rear gate of the trailer to open so she could pull her cart out. These last few moments felt like years as she waited, but finally she heard Tommy’s voice saying “I and Lynn and Cinnamon decided to get you a present, we hope you like it. Cinnamon picked it out, she got an idea that maybe it would be something you’d love.” She could hear Ben’s voice saying something low, but she couldn’t hear what it was, then the gate opened. Lynn crawled around behind her and hopped into the seat of the cart and released the break, and Cinnamon trotted out of the trailer pulling her cart with Lynn riding. Ben looked utterly surprised and confounded, but she didn’t think in an entirely bad way. She smiled shyly at him through her bit, and finally she began to see a spark of something in his eyes –admiration? - excitement? Tommy explained that Cinnamon had become frightened that she was losing him, and she’d found the ponygirl magazines he’d hidden away and hoped that this would rekindle their romance.
Ben stepped in and quietly asked her if this was really what she wanted and she whickered at him and nodded. He leaned in and kissed her, bit and all. Lynn tossed Ben the reins and Tommy told him to mount the cart and take his new pony for a ride, she should be good for a couple passes around the back, but that he should be careful not to over-tax her, that they had plenty of time ahead of them to work up her endurance. Ben took the reins and hopped up and Cinnamon felt his weight in the cart settle against her harness for the first time. She was so joyous that she barely waited for him to shake the reins and call “giddup” before she started trotting. Tommy called out that there were instructions for detaching the pony from the cart, but that he figured Ben would figure that out on his own most likely. As they made their first circuit around the back yard Cinnamon heard the sound of Tommy’s car roar to life and she looked over her shoulder briefly to see it go, leaving her alone with Ben at last. She happily trotted him a couple more times around the yard before he stopped her at the house, got out of his seat, detached her harness from the cart, and led her to the house.
He picked her up and carried her inside, holding her tightly until he got her to the bedroom. That night their passion was rekindled fiercely. Cinnamon clung to her Master as he mounted her for what felt like the first time in ages, bucking and squirming with abandon in his arms as he ravished her.
Over the course of the next several months they both got used to the idea that Cinnamon was essentially helpless with the pony-hoof gloves on, and she rarely ever felt comfortable with them off again. On the other hand, Ben discovered that his passion for her never slowed after that, and he found her increasingly useful around the grounds as a cart-pony. Their second greatest pleasure together – after of course love-making – was when he took up the reins and rode in the cart himself.