Boots and her Buddies

by Tom

- provided for use on SirJeff's Ponygirls.
- do not use without the author's permission.

Chapter 7 - The Conditioning.

The training of Gretchen’s ponies was about to enter its final phase. The girls’ physical condition exceeded Anse’s expectations. Their long, shapely legs had become defined powerhouses, capped by satin smooth hips. The muscles expanded and contracted rippling beneath the skin when they moved. Gretchen’s logo had been branded on the right hip and stood out stark white against the now deeply tanned skin. Their blonde hair was bleached to near platinum from constant exposure to the tropical sun. Dull bronze nipple rings were matched by ear and navel rings. A separate bronze ring hung from each pierced labia lip. A short bronze connecting chain hung suspended from the labia rings, which served as harness connections. When free of the leather harness straps the labia rings and chain could be heard clinking when their owner walked. The nipple rings were also connected by a chain, but the nipple chain was not as heavy as the labia chain and was made of gold.

Stamina had been achieved through forced, long, cross-country runs by Anse, astride her Palomino. Incredible leg strength was the result of daily forced sessions spent pulling the log up an incline. Upper body strength was developed by rowing on the estate's river, weight lifting, pull-ups and push-ups. Nor did Anse neglect teaching pony skills to her charges. The primary device used to teach the girls pony fundamentals was designed by the chief carpenter, with input from Anse. She had envisioned a six meter vertical pole rising from the ground rotating on its axis. Extending horizontally from the pole, about five meters above the ground would be four horizontal poles, each six meters in length. Dangling at the end of each pole would be a strap hanging down to an elevation of about three meters above the ground. A pony’s halter would be connected to each hanging strap, thus facilitating the training of four ponies simultaneously. The assembly would be rotated by two sturdy male slaves pushing at opposite ends of a horizontal wooden shaft running perpendicular to and through the vertical pole. With this crude design provided by Anse, the chief carpenter, an ingenious person of considerable mechanical aptitude, constructed a workable training apparatus suited ideally to her needs. The trainer had complete access to each of the four ponies from the front, rear and either side. She also controlled the speed of pole rotation with a flick of her whip directed to the toiling male slaves. All in all, it proved to be an efficient arrangement.

First, the ponies had to be taught to walk gracefully. Later, they would be trained to trot and then canter. The walking mode was deemed by Gretchen to be the most sensually provocative. Before they could walk sedately, Anse had to correct the posture of most of the girls. She would settle for nothing less than perfection. It had been decided that while in harness the ponies would position their arms behind their backs, one hand firmly grasping the wrist of the other arm. It was, Anse recalled, very similar to what she had done while ice skating long distances on the sluices in Holland. Initially, the ponies’ hands were bound in the correct position, but soon they became accustomed to the placement of their arms behind their backs and the binds were dispensed with. Thus, the ponies were made to stand erect, hands behind their backs, stomachs pulled in, breasts thrust forward.

The shoe part of their boots had been fashioned to resemble a pony’s hoof and this added to their already considerable height. Anse taught them to exaggerate slightly their natural lateral hip movement. The effect of this seemingly barely noticeable action added length to the pendulum-like cycle of the swaying hips. It had a pronounced erotic effect upon Gretchen. The large buttocks moving before her delighted eyes in a wider than normal arc evoked within her a strong feeling of lust accompanied by an irresistible urge to lash them with her whip. This response, of course, was exactly what Anse had in mind when she taught the ponies to perform this maneuver. After all, Anse reasoned, the whole purpose of having beautiful girls serve as ponies was to stimulate their mistress. "Now," she thought, "it is time to condition these animals to be aroused by the presence of their mistress."

One evening over dinner Anse broached the subject of sexual attraction to her cousin. "Gretchen, sweet, do you agree that it is time to have the ponies get wet at the mere thought of you and your whip?" she asked. "Yes, dear, that would be nice," replied Gretchen. " Now, how do you propose to make that happen? Not that I doubt for a moment that you will make it happen. I’m just curious how you will cause it to take place." Anse proceeded to tell Gretchen of her summers spent on her aunt and uncle’s farm in Friesland. When she told her of how she conditioned the Belgian draft horses to become aroused; first by sniffing her sex; then by sniffing her whip coated with the scent of her sex and ultimately by feeling her whip alone, Gretchen was fascinated. "I’ll inform the ponies that it is natural for ponies to sniff. It is also natural for ponies to get the scent of their mistress. Once they have your scent we will transfer the scent to your whip. It shouldn’t take too long for the association of your scent with the whip to take place. They are already in a subservient state. The next logical step will be for them to think of ways to entice you to use your whip, since that will bring them sexual gratification." "Anse, my sweet, you are too clever by half," gushed her cousin and she walked around the dining table and bent to kiss Anse's upturned lips.

Anse's strategy worked without exception. She first informed the girls that ponies sniffed and that they were to behave as ponies. Gretchen then entered each stall and when the pony girl knelt, as was the rule when the mistress was in her presence, Gretchen permitted her to press her nose to her crotch and get her scent. After several sniffing sessions, Gretchen bathed her riding whip in her ever present cunt liquid and put it to the slaves’ nostrils. Their arousal soon became evident and before too long the ponies fell into the habit of moving their hips seductively to coax their mistress to use her whip to slap their buttocks. The apparent perversion fed upon itself. From that time on, when Gretchen appeared, whether in the stable, in the corral or preparing to board one of her numerous carts and sulkies, the ponies raised their noses in the air to get her scent, then presented their buttocks to her, coaxing her to satisfy their aroused passion for her.