Tale of Island Nation Rebellion - Part B

by Teegin
- as edited by SirJeff

- This work is copyrighted February 2009
- Do not use without the author's permission.

“Warning” This Fictional Story has Adult Content. This story contains adult themes, including non-consensual bondage and or slavery; war acts, bad language and forced sexual acts. This is a work of fiction and fantasy. If you are under the LEGAL age of your country or region for the use of such materials (usually about the age of 18 years old) or if you would find such material offensive, then please go elsewhere now. This story may not be posted on any Internet site with out the express consent of the writer and that of the copyright owner.

9) The Transformation fittings.

On the table you will see the metal cuffs, collar, two small metal rings, two small metal tapered tubes with holes in, three CBRs (captive bead rings), electronic pack, bush and the past. Note that each of the prisoners has been measured already, so that these fit exactly.

Take the gold metal right wrist cuff and coat it with the past provided. Place on the right wrist with the ring to the inside. Where the wrist is rounded, thus like so. Place the small locking pin in now and use some adhesive tape to hold it in place like so. Do the same for the left wrist and then both ankles. When this is done do the same with the neck collar and place in the centre of the neck with the two small points in the back of the neck positioned over the spinal column. As you are all aware this metal is like human skin it first bonds on the skin then over a period of about a week eats into the skin and becomes living metal skin. It was developed to help amputees with war injuries, however now it has a new use. The Torgans used leather in the past.

Now you will see two small gold metal tapered tubes with holes in the smaller end coat it with past and place over the nub of the nipple so as with the holes in the horizontal. Take the needle like so and place into the centre of the hole pushing hard and carefully force the needle through to the other side and out through the hole on the other side. Following it with the open CBR and push the needle out with the large part. Then do the same for the other nipple. Using the ring expanded insert the small part of the ring and lock it in place like so. This Loren could feel it being done through the anaesthetic and it did hurt a bit but not to greatly.

Since that is done do the same to the citrus.

Now you will see the two larger metal rings, take the largest one and coat it heavily with the past. Place it just inside the virginal opening under the liber lips and rotate the table again so you pony is up side down.

Oh I almost forgot if you working on a male then the round ring goes on his stem, just behind the head.

Place the second ring in the just inside the anal passage opening. These are control rings.

These two rings are flexible and with expand and contract up to 6.5cms. They can be used for chastity protection or just to close the hole, but that is not recommend for long term use.

Rotate the table right way up and then tilt the table like so, to about 98degrees.

So the prisoner is standing up and leaning slighterly forward. Remove and replace your rubber gloves again. Take the dentists tongs from the table and pull out the 4 back teeth that you put the injection under earlier. They should come out with out any trouble.

With each tooth being pulled out was hard going for Loren who never like going to the dentists any way. The injection was also for the pain of tooth removal as well. It had worked, but Loren could actual feel each tooth coming out and this was not fun.

Put the tongs down Captain Jones said and pick up the blue light portable laser and shine in over the hole where the teeth were, on the low power setting shine it up till it looks like it is dry. Not to long or it will burn them. Remove the laser and change the power setting to high and point directly at one of the joints in the CBR so that it is welded closed. Once this done, do the other joints as well. Now the CBR cannot be taken out, only cut off. Their nipple rings and tubes are now permeant. Loren dreaded this though of her nipples being ringed and caged. Do the same for the clitoris. Lorn knew this would hurt greatly.

Loren was not impressed with her new metal attire but at this point in time she was stuck with it and things did not look much better. Pain, everywhere they had worked on her but she was happy it was not as bad as it could have been with out the injections it would be totally killing.

Loren was starting to get really sleepy about now and did not notice the table had been move back to the horizontal.

Take the soft inflatable hollow rubber ball gage and place in their mouth, release the mouth expander and remove it with the gage still in place. There are two plates on the ball gage, on goes behind the teeth inside the mouth and the other goes over the lips. Buckle it up tight to the head harness and inflate generally until it is tightly, so as to push the checks out. Then it is time to stop.

The reason for this is so that they cannot hurt the gums and teeth, giving them time to heal. Should they be sick the gage tube allows fluids to flow out.

The operating table had been taken off the machinery pedestal and put on to a trolley. The two red injections were now starting to take effect and Loren like the others, could feel her breasts getting hot & sore. The red injections were in equal quantities and they contained another much stronger sedative, antibiotics and hormones to make her tits bigger.

By now Loren’s head seem to be going around and until finally she pasted out on the trolley being pushed some where, this was her finally sensation of movement.

She was returned to her cell and was placed on the sleeping platform in her cell.

Their cells rooms were both small and cramped approximately 1.5 by 2.75 Metres long. The walls were all generally made of concrete, with steel door at one end and a small re-enforce glass window up high at the other end. There was a metal ring bolted to wall just below the window about shoulder height. The prisoners were chained to it from their collar normally. There was just enough chain so Loren could walk almost to the door but she just want to sleep and forget all that had happened.

The each cell had a raised concrete platform with a thin mattress, which was for sleeping on. The concrete platform was heated by hot water piped from a geothermal bore or the reactor cooling system. There was also a small toilet and basin for the personal times, to keep the place clean.

The sedative would keep Loren asleep for the next three days so her body could heal. Until till then, Loren would not be chained in her cell. They would be checking on her, regularly about every two to four hours to see there were no problems.

10) The Transformation Leather Attire.

Loren was awaked by the sound of the cell door being opened. Her head was splitting form the pain and she was still so groggy from the injections. She felt the strange feeling of the metal cuffs, collar and the rings on and in her body. This terrible feeling and taste of the rubber gage lodged in her mouth. It was so dry and sore.

Loren struggled to sit up and every thing hurt. Her breasts felt large and heavier. What had happed?

As Loren sat up, she stunned by the speed at which the two guards entered and grabbed her so she would no fall! They helped her to stand and quickly they pulled her hands together behind her back and linked the two gold wrist cuffs together for the first time.

One guard held her standing and the other linked the ankle cuffs with 34cm chain so that she was now effectively hobbled.

Come on my dear, said one of the guards you’re a heavy sleeper and all the others are awake and waiting for us in the transformation hall.

Loren felt this was a grocer indecency for her the remaining leader of her people to be marched up there like that. To be displayed in front of all her troops with nothing on and in chains just like them.

Loren was marched to station one where Governor Allan and his assistant were waiting. Well said Allan, don’t you look good in your new gold metal cuffs.

Waiting on the table from three days ago was the rest of her gear, the leather tack.

Allan lowered the rope as before and unclipped Loren’s right hand cuff and clipped to the rope, the pulling it tight. With that done Loren’s ankles cuffs were clipped to the two eyebolts on the floor. Allan the lowered the rope a bit and clipped her left hand cuff on it.

Wash time as before Loren and blow dry, enjoy it while you can

When Loren was dry Allan took the heavy thick black full body harness and put it on her.

There was a bit of verbal abuse from Loren, which basically couldn’t be heard from under the gage. Allan did swot her on her rear end. She flinched. Stand still and be

quite, don’t you remember the routine from when you trained Arterians.

I’m trying to get these straps done up. I told you stay still and be quite. With that Allan took the leather waste belt and placed it around Loren’s middle. He undid the straps on the head harness. With a pull the ball gage came out and Allan tried to put in the bridle bit in her mouth but Loren had other ideas for a time being.

She was so please to have that rubber ball gage removed from her mouth that she was not going to have a bar of it. But as usual Loren gave in when Allan pinched her nipple, as she screamed and in so doing opening her mouth she just had no choice the pain!

The bit went into her mouth easily because of the four back teeth being removed three days earlier as did this he pulled the bridle over her head, tightening it in place.

He then connected the small box of electronics up to Loren’s collar and powered it up for the first time.

He brushed her hair and long tail, which had grown quickly because of the extra hormones in the injections.

Allan released Loren’s hands from the rope and clipped them to the waist belt one at a time. As he did he whisper in Loren’s ear, you look so good already now for your first day.

Captain Jones said, “quite every one please, take the prisoners control box and have look at it”. There are six buttons, the first is a slight electric shock, the second so a medium electric shock, 3rd is and electric shock like a taser, 4th is open and close the virginal ring and 5 the anus ring 6 is death! Note the locking cap so it cannot be pushed accidentally.

Now press button one and this will get their attention.

All the prisoners received small electric jolts. Just a bit more than a pin pricks.

Allan Said Now that we have your attention prisoners. From this point on you will not speak, you shall do as you are told and from this day on for the next eight years.

You are nothing. You are owned by the state to work out you sentence as human ponies.

If you do not do as you are told you will be punished.

However for those of you who do there jobs and are obedient there are rewards and pleasures.

Trainers it is now time to fit their pony boots and these had steel horse shoes just like the real ones horse wore before they all died out.

11 The Training and the Miscalculation.

Allan unchained her from the floor and fitting a lead to Loren’s collar, he took her out in to the quadrangle. There he hitched her to the railing posts that ran down each side. Allan brought up a bottle of sport aid drink. For her he held it up to mouth to drink through a straw. It was cool not to cold and it tasted so good and refreshing on her hot dry mouth. She guzzled away at the drink. Allan said, ‘slow down a bit, so there is still four more hours to go for to days training and the sun was warn.

They spent the next four hours practicing stepping and keeping it in time. Loren would start to get a bit tied and when she did Allan gave her swat with the crop. Loren found it hard going and the weight of the heavy full leather body harness; waist ring belt, collar, cuffs, bridle and bit took a lot of getting use to.

It was mid afternoon when they finish.

Allan lent over to her and said sweetly in her ear, as you have performed greatly, keep it up and you training will be over in no time. We did better out hear today than most of the other ponies with the exception of Allison. Allan could tell Loren was tied as the sweat was dripping off her and her tongue become longer to help her cope with the heat transfer. He gave her the rest of the sports drink.

Torgans only sweated from under the arms and the tongue.

Allan signalled and his assistant trainer and groom came and they took Loren to another area of the prison where they were showered and drying her. After this she was transfer to the stable block, not returning to the cell.

The groom chained her collar to the end wall and feet apart by the ankles to the rings in the floor while her arms were spread out horizontal almost and chained to the sidewalls from her wrist cuffs.

There were two three litre liquid food and the water jars were on the wall for Loren to suck on later. No solid food for the ponies and he pointed them out to Loren.

She had not felt the two rings that had been inserted in her sexual lower parts and wondered why; these were new additions by the Arterians?

Listen Loren said Talan the groom; shortly I will remove all your tack, bridle and bit. No talking or asking questions. You may ask one question at the end when I am finished if you do as your told. When I release you ankles do not kick or move until you are told to and the same applies to your arms. Take the assume slaves kneeing position. You know that any way by now, on your knees on the floor, siting back so your bum so it is on heals, your chest out, back straight and arms behind your back together, right hand in the palm of your left and closed. Making your pussy very clearly for all to see and this done by placing you knees as far apart as far possible.

But oh no, Loren could not resist this first time of basic freedom of movement in the hope she might escape. Things had change as she was a pony now and just did not seem to under stand this. She was going to make a break for it; this was her last chance for freedom. Since Talan had started looking after her she hated him for what he stood for, one of us helping them and if she could she would take him out to.

He removed the leather and metal waist belt and hung it on the wall near the stable door along with her full body harness, bridle and bit. Her pony boots were still left on, as they would be most days. The groom had liked the look of Loren from before the fall of the city and he was actual a Torgan male, but he wasn’t on her side. He was on the Arterians side and had been from the beginning.

He had freed all but her last hand. As he released it when, oh there was a crack as the groom got kicked in the crutch by her boot. He fell to the floor screaming in agony from the pain. The noise attracted the attention of the other grooms.

As they entered the room they found Loren leaning over him, going through his pockets looking for the remote and the keys for her collar chain but, they were not on him as under the new system once the pony was brought into the stable they were place out side of the stall. So that if they were attacked the pony could not escape.

Talan lay on the floor screaming from his pain. When the time was right Talan though, she will pay in more ways than one. Jake the head groom had grabbed the remote as he entered, seeing what had happened he pushed button three and Loren feel to the floor shaking from the high voltage shock. Falling down just beside her victim.

Talan was taken away to the infirmary where they place Bags of Ice on his crutch to stop the swelling and pain. He was given painkillers to help easy the pain; he would be ok, as she had missed the vital bits.

Loren was immediately gage, chained and hobbled. Jake took her out to the quadrangle on a leash to be made a public display that afternoon. After all what had she had done? Just almost killed her groom.

Jake and Loren stood there on the platform at one end of the quadrangle for all to see and waited until the entire first batch of ponies was there watching. This is Loren Jake said, “She has to be punished for almost killing one of the grooms here”!

This is what happens when you do that.

Loren the captain of the Torgan guards was shacked to the frame spread eagle in a standing position to a frame. Loren looked pale and weak managing to only just stand there.

She was about to be publicly humiliated and in front of every one that had ever counted to her. Time was for her about to take a turn for the worst.

Jake and Lynal refitted Loren with her tack, bridle and bit fitting them tightly in place. Lynal had gotten a rubber dido vibrator; in the mean time Jake had gotten a rubber butt plug and lubed it. He then press the button on the control unit and Loren’s anal ring open up from normal to just over 5.5cms. This was just the right to fit it up and in. Oh how this hurt and the pain was crush on Loren. Jake twisted it round from side to side and as he did Loren felt this intruder entering her back passage and it hurt as it penetrated deeper and deeper, until finally it was in. He then pressed the button closing the anal ring on her new butt plug and at the same time locking it in place.

Lynal put his fingers up playing with Loren’s pussy until it was wet and sloppy, teasing her and almost bring her to organism three times.

Lynal coated the dido with lube and he was not gentile, shoving it in hard and fast.

Turning on the virginal ring, locking the dido in place as he then turned on the vibrator in it on to high. It hummed and throbbed as it did its job work on Loren’s lower personal area.

They then took two 10-gram weights on chains and attached them one each to Loren’s nipple rings and 15-gram to her clitoris ring.

There were these weights hang from her tits and clitoris; Loren could no long think very well because of this pain. Also there was this huge rubber intruder stuck up anal cavity and the continuous throbbing of the dido in her pussy driving her almost crazy as the juices flowed. Because this was Loren’s punishment, both the dido and the butt plug were a bit bigger than what would normally be used.

A bar was then placed on stands in front of Loren’s stomach at half her height the frame supporting her was tilted forward forcing her to bend over with her large tits hanging down vertical.

Loren was given eight lashes of the whip and on the ninth she past out. Loren had been totally humiliated in front of every one. Loren was sprayed with water and this brought her around again, only to find out that she would be staying there all night and the whole of the next day for the others to see as they practice.

Before Jake and Lynal left they rubbed Loren’s back down with special oil to stop her sink from splitting and cracking under the whipping.

The following day Allan returned to the Prison and the section which been renamed the ranch. There as he entered Allan saw Loren ganging there and came over and said to her, “my, my what have we here? What have we been up to my dear”? That day was long and slow, with time just seeming to stand still just hanging there in her chains for all the other ponies to see.

It had now been three weeks since the fort and the prison had been taken and life for Loren was going to be slower and longer.

Allan went and came back in the late afternoon fitting a lead to Loren’s collar; he released her from her bonds and led her back to the stable.

While Loren’s sprit was not totally broken, they were very close to it and she did not try any thing like that again.

Loren’s training resumed the next day, practice stepping in the quadrangle, on one of the two carousels, track work pulling a jockey in a cart and pulling a mine cart on rails round a circular ring track. Twice a week they took Loren and three other ponies to do team work together usually pulling a chariot. This time the team consisted of Loren and Allison in the front with Tarina and Lindsay in the rear. In the past it had been the twins in the front and Loren and Allison in the rear.

For today was different with Loren and Allison now being the teachers and this gave Loren a good feeling for a change.

Over the next four months this was the way it would be; Allan would spend the first three to fours a day training her in the morning and then his assistant Talan for the rest of the day. Some times Allan would come in the afternoon instead of the morning but he liked to be there in the morning to see how Loren’s face was at the start of a brand new day. All the ponies were to be given another medical and injections today Allan said to Loren.

Finally the training had come to an end and both Loren and Allison had done well, in spit the mishap Loren had created a new beginning. Now it was time for these ponies to have some pleasure rewards and some new types of training assignments.

Allan also looked in on the twins from time to time to see how they were getting on ok and if their trainers were keeping up there training.

The time flew and the training was finally over. There was a small ceremony where the trainers, their assistants, the grooms and the ponies were rewarded. Now the training of next lot of ponies could get under way, tomorrow.

The Twins, Allison and Loren they could hear the ceremony going on and wondered why they were not there. They did not know it yet but they would get there’s later the same day as the others would but at the governors place over night.

May be for an extended weekend if they were good obedient ponies.

12) The Trip to the Governors.

After the ceremony was over major Teegin rounded up the four ponies that did not attend the ceremony. They were taken out to an air transporter truck by leads and up the ramp into the back. Which was fitted out for carrying up to twelve ponies, six down each side in small stalls.

Each was chained in to a compartment standing up and a hood was placed over their heads, and they were frightened as they were being taken away somewhere.

They did no know where, may be to be killed, as they did not attend the graduation ceremony.

There were two other ponies that were placed in the truck after the others were hooded so they could not see them being loaded and they were also were chained in and hooded.

There was a curved u shaped stainless steel rod that came out from the wall that was adjustable up and down on a slide, which was bolted to the wall. It was a bit like and over sized fishhook with a big rubber dildo on the end where the point would be, that was well lubed. After the ponies were chained in place these dildos were moved up and in or out until they fitted neatly in to the virgina between the legs, holding them against the wall of the truck firmly. If it were a male pony, the dildo would be replace with a stiff rubber ring, which was placed over his stem.

In the dual cab of the truck was, Major Teegin, Talan, Rob and Jake.

The doors of the truck slammed shut and the engine started.

With a jolt the truck moved off down the road to the governors place.

It would take about thirty minutes until they arrived. For the first seven minutes the driving was good and the road smooth only the occasional bump and this made the ponies move their body up and down against the dildo.

They had to go around to the back entrance via back road, which was not particularly smooth, meaning it would take an extra ten minutes for the trip.

When the truck hit the back road the ponies were jolted up and down on the dildos, which made them, feel very aroused and sexy, the juices flowing and o hell they wished it would not tormenting them so greatly like this.

Oh how they wanted to come but it was not to be. If only some one could help them enjoy this pleasure instead it being a torment. They moaned on and off into their bit gages in shear agony.

They were in extreme agony, suffering from the torture of this intruder and what it was doing in them. They needed relief and they needed it now, but it was no to be. Both Allison and Loren were busting for a piss but while they were being torched and tormented by this dildo intruder they had no chance, now they felt like they would explode from this as well. They could not relax their pelvic muscles.

The truck stopped just outside the back gate, and they did the let go with hot steaming light yellow piss running out onto the floor and later down there thighs and legs to the floor. Ur didn’t that feel so good both Allison and Loren though, but they were still really aroused and when the truck started off again they continued to be torched and tormented by this dildo intruder.

Finally the truck stoped again inside the garage, which was the size to a large barn.

The staint smell, of female body juices mixed together with sweet and urine is all that could smelt when the back of the truck was opened.

All six ponies were taken out of the back of the truck and made to stand in a line in the glass enclosed reading room garden adjoining the main building, where they were hosed down. The water was very cold and being cold-blooded humans they were feeling it badly. They were made to stand there for about an hour while they dried off and the back of the truck was cleaned out.

They herd the footsteps of a person coming over toward them and it stop and said, “Sir Allan will be here to greet you soon, please wait here until he does the voice instructed”. On the table over there is a note for you Major Teegin.

The major opened the note and it said, “I will be there soon, but in the mean please remove from the ponies their leather metal belt, full black heavy leather body harness Boots and modesty g string. Hands behind their back and the wrist cuffs linked together.

Make sure the each is pony is hobbled with short chain. When you do this, do it with wet hands to get their attention and to another pony but not your own. Make it clear to them that will do as they are told or they will be returned to the prison for any disobedience.

Gently and carefully use you fingers to inspect arouse their pussy while checking it out.

They are to assume the slaves Kneeing position until I attend and you are to wait there with them. Do not remove their hoods.

Major Teegin told his men what was require and they did it. The ponies stood reasonable still when their tack was removed and when being inspected. When the time came to assume the kneeing position each pony sat there very still but there were two who stood out from the rest.

13) The Cleanup and Dressings.

Governor Allan Dannels arrived about half an hour later with the four butlers and six maids.

He had been watching them from upstairs to see what would happen when they carried out his orders written on the note.

The four butlers took a soldier each and went up stairs to the guests area.

Each had a suite that contained a large double bed room, a bathroom, and combination lounge and dinning room. In the bed there was a fresh change of clothes, robe, and a coat hanging the wardrobe.

These were all connected by a hall way to a central meeting room from there to another meeting room, which had more suites running from it and then to the main building. The butlers advised the soldiers to get freshened up put on the clothes and the robe and come to dinner at 1900 at that time we will take you to the dinning room. Should you require anything we are at your service.

There was one maid for each pony. Each maid took a leash off the table and clipped to the pony’s collar, leading them away to a suite, through the other rooms downstairs and directly into the bathroom. Each bathroom had gleaming white tiles on the walls, near opaque white marble on the bench tops. The vanity and bath surround was white with gold tapes. When each pony enters the bathroom, they could smell the perfumed air, feel the warmth from the hot bath water and the heating lights. They were then chain to the ring on the wall just above the end on the bath and given an injection to stop pregnancy.

The maid took the hood off the pony’s head and Loren and the other ponies could not be leave their eyes, because there was a bath full of hot water with bath salts in it. It had just been over six months since Loren had, had a bath. Her arms were unclipped. The pony was then order to assume the standing position, which was to stand with legs apart and arms out straight horizontal from the sides. Loren’s bridle and bit were removed and the maid advised her to get in the bath. Oh this felt so good after all the trip, hard work and no bath just those harsh showers back at the prison and her hands were finally free. The maid scrubbed Loren down all over, form head to toe, back and front, even in her private parts being oh so careful of the sex rings.

Loren asked the maid, why are they doing this to us and why are you being so nice to me you’re an Arterian?

The maid lifted up her skirt a little and Loren could see that she was a slave too, I was a collaborator and this is my sentence for the next three years. Now please be quite or we will both be in trouble, you don’t discuss things like that here.

Loren relaxed in the bath for the next forty minutes and relished every minute of it until she was told to get out by the maid. The maid ordered Loren to assume the standing position and as she did, the maid dried her down. Then she took the new gold hobble chain and locked it on Loren’s ankle cuffs and her arms were clipped together behind her back. The lead was clipped on again and she was lead to the bedroom. There was a chain hanging from the ceiling about a metre from the end of the bed. This was clipped on to the back of Loren’s collar so that there was no slack and she could hardly move without it pulling on her neck. On the bed there was a large box that was gift-wrapped.

The maid clipped her hands to the chain that was clipped her neck collar by the wrist cuffs, just over the top of her head. The maid said, “Madam now you have to stay like that until the lotion dries into you skin”. Now lets set what the card says. To Loren your training is over and a job well done.

Loren stood there; feel good about her self for the first time in six months even though she was a pony save. Her hair was giving a blow dry and brushed.

The maid took a bottle of white liquid off the dresser and started applying the lotion onto Loren’s skin all over. It was for skin replenishment and resupination. This made her feel so good, first the bath now pampering with the lotion. Loren though to herself I hope the others are getting the same treatment to. Now lets see what’s in the box, the maid said as she opened it.

There were seven things in the box. The first thing the maid pulled out of the box was a full over bust black boned leather corset that went down through her crotch and clipped on tight at the front.

This was put on Lorena pulled very tight to shape her up a bit and them done up tight at the back.

From the box next came a gleaming white full leather body harness with yellow gold clips and buckles and this was then fitted to Loren. There were two little gold bells on a chain; these were attached to her nipple rings.

A bright white bridle with gold bit and bright red & yellow feathers, which Loren had no object to wearing this time, in her bridle.

Off white leather pony boots with a 2cm black stripe down the outside and a new gold plated Leather & metal waist belt. The maid fitted all this gear and Loren’s new sexual retaining plugs.

Now there was one more thing left box that she could see and that was a posture collar that went over her normal metal collar, with this on Loren could not turn her head.

But there was still something in the box.

The keys to each of the locks and her remote controller. This was fitted to Loren’s to nipple chain that went from one nipple ring to the other nipple ring. Now Loren’s out fit was complete.

So she though that was it, but no wait there was more to come! The maid went over to the wardrobe and in there was a long off white, almost cream satin dinner dress.

At this point Loren could not see the dress until the maid released Loren’s hands and places the dress over her head and pulled it down onto her body. It had two gold bands on the bottom of it and two on the shoulder sleeve cuffs for show.

The maid walked back picked up a purple sash. Placing it around her waist and tying it in a blow behind Loren’s back. The maid now fitted a pair of long white dinner gloves.

Like her boots the dress and gloves had small hole in it at the back at the centre where the ring came through from her leather & metal waist belt. The maid applied her make and then clipped her wrist cuffs to the ring in the back of her dress and they were finished.

Loren was dreaming, now I am the Cinderella off to pony the ball to find a stable mate.

The maid clipped the lead on and said to Loren; “come this away madam you are now ready for dinner please come this way”. Pulling the lead Loren was brought out of her dream.

They then head off toward the dining room and as they moved along the hall the other ponies came out of their rooms and followed. Being tethered, dressed the same and being lead down the hall to the dinning room. The echo of their hovers striking the marble floor sounded absolutely impressive. Now it seemed they were real ponies.

While the ponies had been getting ready the soldiers/trainers and Allan were off and running with pre dinner drinks in the “L” shaped dining room. There was a knock at the double doors at the other end of the dinning room and the head butler entered. Sir, we are ready now he said.

To be continued...