Snow White Caballo

by Starfyre
- do not use without the author's permission.

Chapter 17 - It's Just A Matter Of The Thing

“Caballo..come..we are leaving this place.”

That next morning, after much embarrassment and thought, Giovanni had decided to leave the Kentucky show. He’d been humiliated and he didn’t like it.

“Caballo?” Pausing at her stall. “What?”

It was empty? Giovanni’s face reddened. Had that damn boy taken her OUT without his permission? He already wanted to beat him for what he caused the other day.

“James!!! Where are you, Boy!” Giovanni yelled it as loud as he could. “James!!”

He heard a grunt and then heard someone fall. James was still asleep in the Stable boy’s quarters? Giovanni walked over to the door and threw it open. James was indeed on the floor and sitting up tiredly.

“Master? It’s not..time to wake up it?”

“You...” He growled and turned. “Caballo!!”

She’d gotten away? Giovanni would beat James later. Right now he needed to find his mare. When he burst into the Stall, he found a single Envelope in the Trough with a Seal of Wax on it. A very Fancy English shield was impressed into it with the letters CW on the Crest.

His eyes widening. He opened the Crisp parchment and, in Calligraphy writing from a computer, the words he dreaded met his eyes.

‘Your Behavior found Indecent. Your actions breaking the charters set forth by the council. The decision to remove your stock forth with has been made. They will be moved to a secure stable until pending investigations are closed. As for the Stable boy, known as James, you are deemed unfit as a master to train him and he will be removed from your employ post haste.’

Signed at the bottom by A very large C and W. Giovanni was trembling both in fear and anger. SOMEONE had DARED call HIM?! Turning, he was going to blame James for this but he found that he couldn’t.

Two very large men, roughly Six foot eight and very built, much like a line backer for a foot ball team, stood in front of a shocked James.

“I had nothing to do with this..master.” James started to speak.

“Silence.” The Brown haired giant spoke. “Giovanni Arrington..You are here by put under notice by the council for behavior unacceptable for a Master. You will be notified of when and where your trial, upon completion of your investigation, is to be held.”

“We wouldn’t suggest trying to run. We will find you.” The second man spoke. “As for the Pony you have been informed..she and your other stock have been removed from your care as you have been deemed unworthy and incapable of owning said stock. Your Stable boys will be dispersed to other stables during your investigation and trial and Young Master James will be removed permanently from you care for known public abuse.”

Turning, they both nodded to James and nudged him forward. He didn’t have a say in this. He would have liked to have gotten dressed though. Giovanni was left Mare-less and Stable boy-less in the stables.

He trembled and his face grew more red in color. The Audacity of HIM. How dare HE do this to him, to Giovanni Arrington! But regardless of wether pride was right or not, he now had other issues. THEY were investigating him.

“This does not bode well..”

“What doesn’t?” Raven had entered. “Where was James being taken?”

“Away..” Giovanni took a deep breath and released slowly. “I need to..borrow your stables for a while..”

“What?” The woman replied “I don’t think so..not after what you did to me.”

“What I DID to you?”

“Yes..what YOU did to me. You treated me like a...mere servant in front of everyone! I am not a servant! I am a Mistress and I will be treated with that Respect. I don’t give a damn how much power you have..or WHO you control.”

“Raven..” Holding up the note. “I NEED to use your home..for a while.”

“That...note..” She gasped.

“Yes..I know. Now..I will go early and..”

“Now just hold on a minute. I said NO and I mean it. I am not losing MY stock and MY status for you. Find someone push around.” Walking past him. “Come Arabian Pleasure. Mistress wants to groom you.”

He growled and turned to look at her. The urge to slap this woman came strong but he dare not act and bring more trouble to him self. There were other fools he could go to and use. He quickly made his exit out of the stables. It was a cowards act to hide but better than a fool act to stay and disappear like Master Frederick did.

It seemed like the WHOLE world was up this morning to see him hurrying down the way to where the vehicles were stored. Diana had stepped out in time to see the nervous mas running and she simply smiled.

“What is..he doing?” Drake was behind her.

“He’s running..” Chuckling to her self. “Like the coward he is.”

“Something tells me that you know more than..what you are letting on.”

“Me? Why ever would you think that?” Diana’s smile soft. “Let us go and get breakfast..I’m starved and I want a Kolache.”

“Uh huh..” He was dressed again. Not in Pony gear, but regular clothes. “Where are these cravings coming from all of the sudden?”

“I have no idea.” Laughing. “I like Kolaches. Always have.” Diana motioned him to follow.

They were going to the vehicle area them selves. If Diana did know anything, she wasn’t letting on that she did.


Hours Later, CW’s Home

James was pacing in the darkened room. He was nervous but he was more worried about Caballo. He stopped pacing when he heard a door open and close somewhere in th dark, in front of him.

“Hello? Where am I. I HAVE to get back to Caballo, NOW!”

“Patients.” The shadowed figure that appeared had spoke. “Why do you worry so about this mare, Caballo?”

“Because...I worry! I’m not there take his anger and punishment for her! He will hit her next. You must let me return immediately before he hurts her. He will ...He..might try and..hurt her more to hide his mistakes. Let me go.” James was anxious and very worried that Giovanni might try and really kill her. “ must.”

“Cover his Mistakes? Is there..anything that you wish to tell me, James?” The whispered voice asked. “About Caballo and your Master?”

“I...” The boy frowned. “I must get back to Caballo..she needs protecting.”

“I can assure you that the mare is safe.”

“She is NOT a mare! She’s...more.” James turned away with a red face. “She didn’t choose this life. She was forced into it. He kidnaped her..My Master..he..” tears coming. “I have to get to her, now.”


“Yes! That’s why he will try and cover his mistake..he’s killed once..He will do it again. Please sir..who ever you are..let me go to Caballo.”

“I see.” The figure backed further away into the darkness. “Caballo is safe..for now, that is all that needs known. As for shall reside here until the investigation of Giovanni Arrington is completed.”

“Wait!” He ran forward but the door closed before he could see who it was. “Caballo needs me! She’s....Delicate.”

His knees trembling. James fell to his knees and broke into tears. He couldn’t help her, again! This was the second time that he’d failed to protect her. His heart was in pieces so small that they could be threaded through the eye of a needle.

“Master James?”

“What?” The Boy had never been called this. He turned and stood to look at a tall, thin butler. “Wh..who..are you?”

“I am Gerald. My master has instructed me to see you to your room. It shall be your room until current situations can be resolved. Master has also stated that if you wish to help in the stables, you may but he will not force it upon you.”

“’re’ll understand. I NEED to get out of here and find where Caballo is. She’s in danger. He will go after her and not hesitate to kill her just to hide his mistakes.”

“I am told that the Mare, Caballo, Is safe and that..for reasons that need not be known to you or I, it is best to keep you separated from the mare at this point in time.”

“Will you STOP calling her a mare! She’s..more than that..”

“There is no need for the young master to raise his voice to me. I understand perfectly and do feel for the young Master James but things are as they are and My master has instructed that things be kept this way for a reason. Sir..I you trust..HIM?”

“Him? As in the HIM?”

“Yes sir..That HIM.” Gerald smiled. “If you do trust HIM than you will know that he has been informed of things and that is why you are here. It was told that you were publically beaten by your former master. This is simply acceptable amongst the world in which we live. And further more, it is known that Caballo is a kidnap victim but..My master has discovered disturbing circumstances surrounding The whole Caballo Issue thus..he must gather and put together the whole story before investigations can be finished. Now..if you do understand will know that things are being taken care of and you will trust my master’s judgement and let him handle things.”

“But Caballo, she doesn’t eat for anyone but me. You don’t understand..She needs me. I must care for her.”

“I will inform my master of your concerns and if he agrees with you than I am sure that you will be put back together with Caballo. Until is best for her sake and for yours to not push this issue. My master is not a man who likes to be argued with too much. He only knows the facts that have been presented to him and that he has found out on his own.”

“Your” James asked quietly.

“Yes. This is HIS home. You shall be a guest here until, as I have stated before, the situation has been resolved.” Turning, motioning him to follow. “Now if the young master follow me to your room. Clothes and all necessities will be provided for. My master Apologizes that he could not greet you in person nor show you around but the case being as it is, it is a delicate time frame in which he must act.”

“What of Caballo? She will get sick without me. I told you..she doesn’t eat..unless I feed her.”

“I am sure that The young lady..” The man respecting James’s earlier request, “Can be talked to and told that she is in a safe situation. And Thus..for certain..she will eat and care for her self knowing that she is not in a forced situation any more.”

“Will I see her again? You must let me..”

“I am positive that my master intends to let you see her again. Just at the I’m sure you understand..the situation is fragile.” He stopped a door at the top of the stair way. “Here is your suite. There is a phone which you can use to call anywhere in the manner but..not outside I’m afraid. The master still wished to make sure that your loyalties are in the right place. As it was informed to him that you did defend your self and say you had nothing to do with it. This is but another reason that you can not see Caballo for the moment. The Master doesn’t wish someone loyal to Giovanni to have further contact with her.”

“But I’m NOT Loyal to him. I only stayed for Caballo. Because she needs me. I swear..”

“The time to prove where your loyalties lie will happen soon.” Gerald opened the door for him. “Trust me on this.”

“The trials?” James asked. “I’ll be glad to say what I know..if you just let me see Caballo and make sure that she is alright.”

“I will inform my master. Until then..please..enjoy our hospitality here.”

The butler walked off and James sighed. His heart was aching so badly. The worry for Caballo had him stressing. She wouldn’t eat for them. He knew she wouldn’t. But he also understood that they thought he was still loyal to Giovanni. Maybe they thought he would try and brain wash her to Giovanni’s ways.

“I’m sorry, Caballo. Please forgive me..”

His eyes staring into a far window in the suite. He didn’t know where he was. There was no way to find out. All he knew was that it was the HIM’S home. And with HIM being involved, that didn’t make things easy for Giovanni at all.

To be continued....