Reflections on Snap's drawings - 10

by Ray and Mittens
- do not use without the author's permission.

"Um, my arms. Um, like, well, didn't i used to have them?"

Work girl, come on, you can remember. Don't look around, none of those people over there want to help. It's just you and me. Hey wait a minute, i am me! "Right. Where did our arms go!!!!!"

"Ok it was Tuesday. Well, maybe it was Tuesday. When is it today?"


"Um, oh, er. Well it was a Tuesday but more like July. I remember being really hot that day, panting for water, but nobody else seemed to mind."

Did you still have your tongue then?

Hm. We had to think. Don't we have a tongue anymore? I wiggled my tongue but couldn't feel anything. I suddenly sat upright and looked around. What? Don't we all get tongues???

We tried again to wiggle my arms. Nope, no feeling there either. Deep sigh, settling back in place where i was tethered there by my girl parts.

"Ok, i had been harnessed up since early morning without a break, then i got taken inside, it was like freezing cold all of a sudden. Then just about the next thing i remember it's winter, i'm being walked from the barn to the house, and stepping along just as nice as you please with a groom walking me in front leading us by snaps latched onto all three good girl parts.

We got up to the front of the house and my groom petted my rump. "Good girl" he crooned, "Gooooood girl, good." I let out my breath and waited to get hitched up to a cart for somebody's ride home.

That was my first night on an armless harness, but we really can't tell you much more than that.

The end.