Reflections on Snap’s drawings - 3

by Anthony Masters
with art by Snap

- do not use without the author's and artist's permission.

Hooray! I’m to be a racing pony. I overheard my new owner telling someone that he didn’t want to buy me at first because ‘her tits are too big’, but he thought my legs were strong and I was cheap and he’d give me a chance. It’s what I really wanted. It’s a super life, lots of fresh air and exercise. Freedom too when I’m turned out in the paddock. O.K. so I lose the use of my arms. They’ll wither away over the months and that means I’ll be no use for anything else, except breeding perhaps, so I’ve got to do well, but I will. I’m strong and I’ll work. I’m sure I can pull those carts as fast as anyone, even if my breasts are a bit heavy.