Reflections on Snap’s drawings - 2

by Anthony Masters
with art by Snap

- do not use without the author's and artist's permission.

So this is the auction! I wonder if I’ll fetch a lot of money; I wonder what I’ll end up doing. Best of all would be racing but the auctioneer said I was too well developed for that. Perhaps I could be a taxi pony, it’s hard work but they have a reasonable life. In town, always working as one of a team of four. Perhaps a farm pony pulling the carts from the fields. That’s heavy work. I don’t think I’m strong enough for that. Perhaps I won’t sell at all. Then it’s off to the breeding units. I don’t fancy that, just lying in a pen all day getting bigger and bigger; then foaling as they call it and then spending a year being milked. And then another pregnancy and so on for twenty years or so. No thanks.