The Involuntary
Master & Ponygirls
by R.W.
- do not use without the author's permission.
- as edited by Sir Jeff.
{Author invitation
to illustrators/artists for collaboration on this preview project and
“It is our choices that
show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
- quote by J.K Rowling
Part three “Barriers Broken, Bonding Formed”
Sub story
Life accepts change
It is time for he every other afternoon Pony Frolic secession at the Pony Factory Training Farm, where for 2 hours every Ponygirl on the Farm is let lose in a large grass paddock near the main Stable. Yes, they are watched and as long as they are not harming themselves or others they are let be. Strangely, only the Cowboy Boss of this Facility standing with a foot up on the one of the paddock fences understands why this frolic secession is required. The other staff grooms and the trainers do not. They think it is a waste of an entire day a week which would be better used in constant training. The Cowboy Boss wonders why the trainers do not attempt to understand that animals and humans alike to remain sane, stable able to function creatures. Require the sociality of their own kind, which these two hours every other day gives these Ponygirls that independent social contact they need. After all it’s a miracle that a rare few do mentally breakdown and go insane during the transformation from human girl to Ponygirl livestock. Here in this frolic paddock personal social barriers are broken, social bonds are formed, which provides support and strength. Strength to endure this conversion which I hope one day the trainers will understand.
Before he walks away
to check on other matters at the Farm,
he again takes a good look at old Pony Coffee as she is comforting her
training abused stall mates. There
is the prime example of support, strength,
why cannot my staff see how this helps the girls accept what we force
them to become both physically and mentally.
With her stall mates the newly created defensive mental shield Persona Pony Coffee understands what her purpose is, she still has the original Human persona internally, but outwardly the task of this self created exterior mental shield persona is to endure, survive this nightmare. Persona Coffee when loosed into the frolic paddock was mentally ready to be exposed to the society of the Ponygirl herd. The herd of around three dozen ponygirls all confirming many of the images Coffee had been earlier forced to view. It was not the open lesbian sexual play many where engaged in, or when she first overhears ponygirls whispering and mouthing their love for each other. It was the fact Coffee learned that they as Ponygirls even without vocal cords still could directly communicate, via whispers.
This wonderful news she whispered
through her bit close to the ears of
her two recovering stall mates, who were just as shunned to hear Pony
Coffee whisper to them. They in whispered
broken English, Spanish and Tagalong Perlita’s Philippine native language,
which was much affected by 900 years of Spanish rule of the Philippines
before the 90 years of American domination, they communicated.
Pony Coffee learned the pony names of her stable mates and the basic
facts of their backgrounds. Ponies Amber and Brownie were two
young girls from a poor rural interior
Mexican village who signed themselves to labor contracts for
the signing bonus advance payment money
to help their families, which were
grateful to their daughters. Those
labor contracts later during the trip to this place,
they learned required them to become
in the fine print legal language, Ponygirl livestock.
Pony Coffee told them that
to this place contracts are not needed, for example she is not under
contract for she was kidnapped from the same
train they were on. Which is why we three ended up together, we have
more to whisper but here comes that training monster George.
Let’s keep our whispers to ourselves, who knows they maybe
a ponygirl secret, to which Amber and Brownie
nodded yes.
George, the vile man he was, unable now to continue his physical abuse
vented his anger verbally, “well you pony bitches the
Farm Boss himself has ordered that you be rested.” No training for
the remaining day, Ponies Amber and Brownie are glad to hear this for
they can barely stand, Pony Coffee is standing but is shaking on her
hooves. But that does not mean you are free,
you are all going to be permanently shoed early, which
also is an order from the Boss, so on your hooves. You get your first
Ponygirl permanent pony shoeing now.
As Trainer George led the
three ponies to the Ponygirl Farm smithy, at least they were
slowly trotting, shaking, but trotting and not walking like humans,
he noted.
At the Ponygirl
Farm smithy, all three were securely immobilized standing, in what was
a foam press which encased them shoulders to hips. Starting with Pony
Coffee the pony farm blacksmith took,
raised her right hoof, bending her knee naturally to the back,
between his legs just like a horse being shoed. The blacksmith
appeared to match up a horseshoe to the flats of her toes. Once he was
satisfied with the alignment which would place the permanent nail ports
through the flesh into the bones of those toe flats,
he started to hammer in the four nails with odd shaped tips.
When the 1st nail was 2/3rd
hammered in Perlita felt a sharp piecing pain were the nail was being
hammered into the flat of her toes.
Coffee felt the nail being hammered into her flesh and bone. She started
to cry tears for her pain which only made Trainer George smile. When
the smithy was done Coffee felt that she had been pieced 8 times, 4
on each flat hoof. Which x-rays later
that week revealed Pony Coffee now had four permanent Ponygirl shoe
nail ports, for future shoeing, embedded in bone
in each of her now beyond any doubt were no longer human feet, but Ponygirl
hooves. Ponies Amber and Brownie joined her in this next
permanent physical modification toward becoming Ponygirls.
For the rest of the day Trainer
George had a junior groom trot them around
on the automatic walker, where they first adapted to having hooves.
George gave the groom instructions these ponies are to remain on their
hooves 40 minutes each hour until they are bedded down in their stall
tonight. Tomorrow, Sunday he ordered
the groom just trot them all day, for I will be back
Monday. I need a day off to find a bar, a whore to get
stinking drunk with and relieve myself.
That night was chilly in their
unheated stall, the three wanting to whisper
more about who they were, huddled together for both warmth and to whisper
to each other.
Sunday night Robert was thinking at this very train station, now
it’s the first Sunday mid day since and
he is about to board the train. He paid for his round trip ticket in
cash, purchasing the ticket ten minutes before the train departed.
Robert was taking no chances at being in the do not board
TSA list in the Amtrak Data Computer base, by using a credit card which
would require a I.D. check. Payment of cash all he
was required was show his driver’s license, which
the clerk skipped the computer I.D.
check, to speed the last minute ticket
line at his window along.
Wilson plans every Sunday from now
on is going to be on the same scheduled
round trip train route until he finds
“clues, information” on where to
pick up the trail of his treasured Coffee.
Today this is just a recon of the train,
its routines; he has his laptop and his digital Camera. At each stop
he is going to take a lot of pictures,
do some video recording and download them into his laptop for later
review. Robert is doing “role play,
Cosplay” in his Perlita given nickname
“Fox.” As the Robert the Fox admits he does not know what he is
looking for but first must see what you have to compare. First look
at “what is,” then look if there
any difference verses what is common? That is what today is about gather
base data, riding the rail route both ways,
to establish a baseline. Robert boards the mid day
San Diego train Business Class southbound, places his ticket stub above
his seat for the conductor to collect
and opens his laptop, while recording with his camera, then sits back
as the train pulls out of the station.
To the south a pickup truck
is 60 minutes away from dropping a man dressed in cowboy fashion at
the Oceanside station a man with a collar embroidered
“The Boss”. Who tells the driver of the pickup have the Calexico
pickup team wait for me at the Olivine siding,
thinking Trainer George is not the only one
on my Factory Farm staff who can “Round Up”
a free pony from a train.
At the Farm Pony Coffee, Pony
Amber and Pony Brownie are happy to learn from the
replacement junior groom their trainer has taken Sunday off,
he tells them their training cycle for the day is
to just keep trotting today. Get adjusted to their permanently shoed
hooves, this end of the first week of their Stage One Physical ponygirl
The reminder that it was just
last Sunday, only 7 days ago hits the inner Perlita
persona so hard, that outwardly Pony Coffee has tears,
Pony Coffee reminds, in an attempt to comfort
her inner original human persona, saying Robert is
surely searching and he as the Fox
will find us.
this same Sunday the sun is setting
into the Pacific Ocean west of San Diego, Robert Wilson has had an early
dinner in the San Diego Gas Light district and now has boarded the same
scheduled northbound Surfliner that Perlita was on last Sunday, Robert
thinks it was just 7 days ago, how that day now feels eternal.
He had no problem with the south bound portion of this
first Sunday recon of the train routine,
thinking I hope there will be no problems with the return trip. As the
train pulls out of San Diego Station Robert repeats his now practiced
routine, opens the laptop, records those around him,
recording a passenger dressed as a Cowboy
with an I.D. Collar in the video heading to the
Business Class upper deck while placing his ticket stub above his seat.
Before the station stop at
San Diego Old town the young female conductor rushes through
Business Class checking off the tickets. As she rushed through the check
of his ticket he did not look directly at her or say anything. That
Conductor Robert remembered was the
same young woman that had him choked down,
thrown off the train, triggering his heart attack,
and responsible for losing Perlita’s travel items. Robert could
only hope if she remembered him, given he was
just sitting quietly causing no trouble would overlook him.
In the upper level
of the business class car was the Ponygirl Factory Farm
Cowboy, with a collar that was labeled
“The Boss”, thinking damn! There
has been no fillies, or the opportunity worth my effort today. Appears
George just lucked out with that old
mare Coffee. At that moment the young female conductor stopped to collect
his ticket, noticing the Cowboys Collar
she stopped and asked what does the Boss mean? The Boss
getting his first good look at the young female
conduct who just started her scheduled shift
replied exactly that, I am the Boss of my
Pony Farm and don’t you forget it my filly.
bingo now there is one well worth the effort to
“round up” and with the hypnotic
in my spray gun should be able to get her to
arrange an unscheduled stop. The Cowboy
Boss then asked this future Filly which on the spot his decided to personally
train “could you please check back with me after Solano Beach Station
stop, my filly.”
young Conductor unaware what this passenger has planned for her,
relies yes sir, as I see you are ticketed to Oceanside. May
I to assume you are going to ask to detrain before then?
The Boss replies, petty and
smart a good combination in a Filly,
understand this train gets parked on a siding
before Oceanside to allow a fast freight
to pass which often happens on this
Sunday route between Solano Beach and Oceanside station stops.
young Conductor before leaving says
“yes sir,” I will check for you, thanks for
asking giving me the courtesy “heads up.” The Boss measured the
filly with his eyes, as she walked away, yes check with me and by Monday
eve your pony muting and ringing operation will be complete. Looks like
today was well worth a round up effort,
just to add this one to the auction.
Train makes a quick stop at Old Town Station
that has most of the passengers exiting business class and
just an exchange of passengers in coach. It is a few minutes after the
train has left Old Town next stop is a long segment to Solano Beach.
At which time after leaving Solano Beach station the
young Conductor makes the rounds of business class just to ensure that
there are is no class hoppers. These class hoppers seeing the open Business
Class snack bar, there is always someone
from coach that attempts to raid it
and she remembers only having one passenger each in the upper and lower
levels. The upper one she will see if he can be
dropped soon on the Olivine siding that the dispatch uses
to park us on for the fast freight that runs around this scheduled train
three of four Sundays.
Conductor Jenny
Carson finally takes a close good look at the
lone passenger on the lower level and she
instantly calls for the on board TSA Marshall to come to the Business
class. Robert looks up sees her with her hand on her
shoulder radio and says “so you finally
noticed and remembered.” The Conductor asks why
you are on this train? You should be on the no board list!
Robert replies, Amtrak does not sell tickets to people it has on their
no board list. The young girl shaken, to see this man again,
states your ticketing must be a mistake!
Robert replies how convenient
for you Conductor Jenny Carson, reading her name
badge to be able to decide a properly ticketed passenger is a mistake.
Whereas a woman who vanishes on your train is not, Conductor Jenny I
believe that everyone myself included answers for their actions and
decisions. “One day you will be judged for your actions and decisions
last Sunday night.” I pray for you, that judgment
for your responsibility in last Sunday nights events
will not be too harsh.
The TSA on Board Marshall
now in the Business Class Car, overhearing what Robert
just said, enters the conversation.
Miss Carson that sounds like a terrorist threat shall I choke him out?
Robert looks directly at Conductor
Jenny, and asks do you really want to kill me,
you again have a second chance now after failing last Sunday. When you
had me choked out, into a heart attack,
I am sure another heart attack, which will be my third will do the job
this time. Or please prove you still
have some human compassion, “Please
let me continue looking for that woman who vanished from your train
last Sunday, who is my treasure and the
only reason I am still alive.”
Robert turns to the TSA Marshall
would you like to join me, I will answer any questions after of course
you verify I am not armed. Unless you consider a digital camera, laptop
computer and yes this ball point pen a weapon. Robert removes his coat
stands and places his hands fingers interlocked behind his head, back
to the TSA Marshall, assuming the position.
The TSA Marshall handcuffs
Robert, then does a weapons pat down, the Marshall starts
to say Robert is under arrest for making a
Conductor Jenny
near tears, realizing her responsibility in the circumstances of last
Sunday, interrupts TSA Marshall Carl,
stating Mr. Wilson this passage was
not making a threat, just a comment. He’s done
nothing wrong; all he is trying to do is find his
missing wife. Please Marshal Carl just leave him alone, it’s alright!
The Marshall asks are you
sure? (Jenny) Yes, now I have to see to the needs of the other
Business Class passenger and runs half way
up the stairs at one end of the business car
to the upper level. The TSA Marshall tells Robert, you just caught a
break, if it was me you would be in handcuffs and frog marched off this
train at the Oceanside station, straight into the Marine Brig at the
Robert repeats his invitation
to the Marshal to sit with him and let
me tell you a “NO SHIT” story and then what you just did
and threaten to do, does not come close to what
the government bureaucracy has already done to me
for the last week.
Half way up the stair well
Conductor Jenny Carson pauses to call the dispatcher about the fast
freight schedule for tonight. The dispatcher tells her sorry going to
park you on the Olivine siding for about 10 minutes.
Jenny’s reply is that’s ok, have one that wants off again like last
week. She next called the coach conductor Charles. Telling
that Conductor I not feeling well and am getting off at Oceanside to
deadhead back home on the reverse south bound there
will be only one remaining Business
Class passenger from San Diego, can you cover for me. Over the
radio Jenny hears an OK and get well, see you
on Monday’s run. Jenny Carson, thinking
Good, let one passage off at the Olivine siding and then
I get off at Oceanside and back home to San Diego. Oh
God, please forgive me for my part in what happened last Sunday.
I will never forget his words about judgment
and that touch of sad gray in those
bright blue eyes, realizing she does have some responsibility for the
result of her actions of last Sunday.
Jenny then composed and told herself at
least I am about to do one thing right tonight.
She then continued upstairs and approached the Cowboy Boss, passenger.
Telling him, Mr. Boss in about five
minutes we will be on the Olivine siding and you can leave the train.
The Pony Farm Boss had noted they were alone
on the upper level as he thought what luck she just
made this the easiest round up I have ever had, this filly just handed
herself over. Then quickly bringing out his spray gun, he smiled at
her you said your name is Jenny? That’s a good
ponygirl name; we will be getting off
together my new ponygirl Jenny. As the
Farm Boss sprayed the hypnotic in her face, Jenny instantly felt her
body go limp when she breathed in the
unexpected spray mist.
Cowboy Boss caught her set her down on the seat across from him. From
his coat pockets he brought out a ball bit gag, inserted
it deep in her mouth and strapped it
around her head tight. He next took out some
temporary arm binding straps bent her forward and bound her arms behind
her. He next heard the announcement over the
train PA that dispatch has directed the train to a siding to allow a
fast freight to pass by, the doors will be opened for ventilation and
we will be on our way in about 10 minutes.
He then took her under the arms; sleep walked her to and just short
of the bottom of the stairs. The Boss was going to wait until the doors
opened and rush out on a two count after they open, figuring anyone
would be looking away after the doors opened. Best chance to leave the
train unseen and get this new soon to be
ponygirl back to the Farm for her muting and ringing
operation first light in the morning.
Also I have not done any ponygirl training for
awhile; training this one to be another
quality draft ponygirl, to be a match pair with old Coffee
will be fun and likely bring a better price
for both at auction.
The train comes to a stop
on the siding, the doors automatically open and on two, the Boss with
Conductor Jenny Carson, soon to be Ponygirl Jenny quickly
glides off the train. Robert’s eyes catches movement at the rear
door, asks the TSA Marshall what siding is this? The Marshall replies
Olivine. At the completion of the “NO SHIT” story Robert asks for
the TSA Marshall’s card and in exchange gives the Marshall one of
his. After the card exchange TSA Marshall Carl says to Robert no wonder
you call that a no shit story. Frankly, I do not believe you and I still
wish I could frog marched you off this train at Oceanside. The Marine
base close by has a holding brig you would not enjoy being in.
Robert’s reply is to simply tell
the TSA Marshall you will believe my
“no shit tale” because by noon tomorrow expect a few calls, whatever
that movement Robert’s eyes detected,
it has been recorded by Robert’s Digital camera in video mode and
is now downloading into his laptop.
Once he is home he will transfer
the file and after confirming what
Robert as the Fox’s instinct thinks just happened will email it to
the Southern California branches of
Homeland Security, TSA, FBI and CHP.
It’s too bad without proof this unbelieving TSA Marshal is more likely
to throw me into that marine brig if I were to say anything more.
After the Oceanside station stop was completed and the coach conductor
named Charles was now checking on Robert
the lone Business Class passenger, TSA
Marshall Carl asks where’s Jenny? Charles the Coach Conductor
replies she called sick and got off at Oceanside to deadhead
home on the reverse southbound San Diego train,
Robert asked did you see her get off?
Conductor Charles replies no but her radio is off, likely
now on her way home. Robert shuts down his laptop and tells the
TSA Marshall I am going to nap until my station,
I have a feeling that I am in for a long day Monday.
His Cosplay persona the Fox is screaming internally
“OH DEAR GOD NOT AGAIN, Not another woman taken!”
At the Olivine siding, Jenny
in her aware hypnotic state is being taken to the
semi-concealed livestock trailer, where Jenny is stripped and put into
proper Ponygirl tack, to join the makeup Calexico imports Ponygirl from
last Sunday. The grooms congratulate the Boss on his fine
draft ponygirl pick up and it’s great, you’re going to train her
in time for the auction.
Robert arrives home about
11:00 p.m. and reviews the video file, on seeing it his compassion screams
in pain, “you must go rescue her now and likely Coffee is there! Go!
Go! Now!” Yes, he out loud
he answers himself go there, alone, no backup,
unarmed, unprepared and fail. I have only one
chance, I cannot risk failure. Now not only Coffee is at risk, now this
Jenny Carson whose face I now know and those eyes looked into mine.
May god forgive what they are about to endure the next 10-15 days in
a place, if there is a Cowboy, then there are
ponies. Which means a Ponygirl Training
facility, at least they are alive.
The question is how much of a Ponygirl
physically, sexually and mentally will they be
made into, while I prepare for their rescue?
He then made sure the incident report
emails were time stamped and transmitted, having no hope that the
TSA bureaucracy would act to save them. It would be easier
for them to bury me and forget Coffee, Jenny and who knows how many
are on that Ponygirl production site
This second Monday for
as they are now just thinking to think of themselves,
Ponies Coffee, Amber and Brownie they reflect on their first week in
training, on the irrevocable permanent
physical changes that appear to force
them toward becoming Ponygirls. Right off being operated on
and muted, mutilated with rings, next the tail plugs which their anus
now readily accepts. The physical conversion of their
human feet to ponygirl hooves, compete with pony shoes.
Including now of how even we move, no longer able to jog or
run like humans, but doing a pony like
trot, a canter and galloping, what is next they wonder. The next two
days of confirming that they are about to complete stage one,
have no surprises other than Trainer George is subdued, like he is tightly
controlling himself. He works them physically hard Monday on the
ponygirl canter gate and Tuesday on the
ponygirl proper gallop. This acceptance of being physically pony like
is the completion of the first stage
toward becoming Ponygirls.
The next stage is the
sexuality barrier which they are going to be forced through starting
Wednesday accelerated this second week
in an unexpected manner and once they accept that adjustment, after
the sexuality stage is complete there is
one last stage. The Final Mental conditioning which will remove and
permanent destroy their sense of Humanity. So,
Coffee, Amber, Brownie and Jenny who will join them this Wednesday
in an accelerated stage two conversion,
do not truly know how close they are to being completely transformed
into Ponygirls permanently. The entire physical and mental
conversion process the Cowboy Farm
“Boss” plans to take a hand in
and finish for these two pair of fillies
in under the next two weeks.
At Sunrise
Monday alone in a stall already equipped with a Monitor Jenny
Carson age 29 who was a Conductor with Amtrak and
enrolled to be a older college coed
just this coming semester, opens her eyes to see the Cowboy Boss. She
has hazy memories of her being walked off the train, stripped nude,
ball bit gag to keep her quite, arms bound, pinned behind her back and
now her bare feet fitted into shoes that look like hooves. Shoes as
she stands forces her onto the flats of her toes, arch and heel suspended
high. There are only two other items of tack she
is wearing, there is a two foot spreader/hobble bar between her legs
just above her knees and there is a wide collar with one ring on the
front, she feels metal against her neck. The
memories are all true for as Jenny stands up on now her hooves she sees
it all on her.
The Boss is holding what looks
like a tail attached to a plug of some
kind, says, so you are awake Pony Jenny you are lucky, you get to keep
your human name since Jenny is such a nice sounding
Filly Ponygirl name. Jenny cannot ask
“WHAT’S A PONYGIRL? But the Cowboy
Boss, who has seen this question look before
on conversion victims understands.
The Cowboy Boss tells
Pony Jenny since right off you recognized me as the Boss last night,
listen carefully I am going to explain this once are you ready to listen.
Jenny nods head up and down in a yes.
The Boss says, but first I must tail
you, the Boss went around behind her and had Jenny bend forward when
she was had a 45 degree angle he said that’s fine. With his right
hand on her shoulder he held her still, with his left he probed
with the plug between her butt cheeks
until he found her anus and with a firm
consistent push Jenny felt her anus stretch painfully and just when
she felt her anus to be tore apart, her anus constricted into a ridge
grooved into the anus tail plug.
The Boss told
Jenny, your anus will be sore for a bit but in time your anus and body
will accept your tail as you are learning to accept the hooves you are
standing on. The Boss explains; Jenny the human
female no longer exists, by the time I am done training you Jenny, you
will be a Ponygirl. You will be livestock,
property owned by a Master, who you will
live for and obey. I am the most experienced Ponygirl Trainer here on
my Ponygirl Training Factory Farm. You are my accelerated project you
have intelligence which will make your rapid transformation possible.
There are many steps and three stages
you will successfully shortly adapt to and the result will show you
that instead of just being a plain
human female, you are about to become
an exceptional draft Ponygirl.
Now we start, your permanent
physical stage one ponygirl modifications, as the woman in a white uniform
also with a tail from her butt came in and injected
Jenny with a sedative. Pony Jenny we start with your
pony operation when you wake up you
will have your pony rings which will be explained, since ponygirls,
cannot talk, cannot communicate, only able to take orders from humans,
you will be muted, your vocal cords are to be cut removing your human
voice, Pony Jenny is yours Mr. Vet. As Jenny
being carried to the clinic, lost consciousness she was screaming into
the gag NOOOOOO!!
Jenny woke up at dusk that same Monday
and found she was still in the nightmare,
when Jenny tried to close her eyes she found them taped open, still
she prayed please god, let me awake, please wake up. Her throat was
sore and through that throat pain no matter how
hard Jenny tried, could not make a
sound. Her nose had a ring, her nipples had them also and peeking out
from under her clitoris hood was also
a ring. On the Monitor were pictures of Ponygirls, those pictures fill
Jenny with horror because if this is not a nightmare, that is her, that
is what is to be her future.
Then Jenny noticed she was
chained so she could not turn away from the monitor, she realized is
being made to see those pictures, being forced to accept that will be
her, her future. It was then she remembered
Robert Wilson words of judgment she heard
again as clear when he first spoke them;
“One day you will be judged for your actions and decisions last
Sunday night. I pray for you that judgment will not be too harsh.”
Jenny then with the images
from the monitor in her eyes, started to cry without a sound, finding
her tears gave her comfort for they
blurred those Ponygirl images, Jenny
realized she was not only crying for
herself but Robert Wilson’s wife who
likely also is somewhere trapped in this nightmare.
Robert slept the sleep of
one who has been damned, his ecchi research has taught him too much
about the Ponygirl Culture. He has nightmares of how it is populated
with sadists who show by their actions
truly hate women. That those who are in that
Pony Play Culture voluntarily are the minority, that the majority of
Ponygirls were forced or tricked to be such, that the results voluntary
or not are the same. The girl because of the effectiveness of the methods
used always becomes physically and mentally livestock.
Robert wonders if a Man such as himself,
who does not desire to be a Ponygirl Master could be one,
one of the rare minority Master who
treasures and protects a ponygirl. Instead of
abusing them how would a Ponygirl react to such a Master?
Later Robert wakes up a readies himself for the new day, at 9 a.m. as he was about open his door to leave for the Pistol and Gun Club appointment there outside are shouts;
Robert is at the front door when he hears the command to open up, knowing they are not going to wait he hopes that his opening the door timing is good enough.
As he opens the door the ram
and the four policemen wheedling it
finding no resistance fall through his
opened door and flat on their faces, in the entry way.
Robert demands to see their warrant,
an older senior looking plain clothes man, says
we have a warrant it is in route. Robert
replies ok until then get off my property! Get back on the
public sidewalk, NOW!
Oh yes, you two as he points
to two uniformed policewomen in the search team, please come with me
so I can show you my residence and that I am alone. Also here is the
contact information for a TSA Marshall who I was with last night, which
will prove my alibi, how I did not kidnap
the missing Amtrak train Conductor from
that same train last night. Robert gave them a nickel
tour of the residence and his short version
“NO SHIT” story to the two policewomen and handed them a disk with
copies of all his data, including the video/photo
files from the train yesterday, while exchanging business cards. Telling
them I would work this case independently for your bosses the
higher level bureaucrats are not interested in serving and protecting
the public, on this one you are soon to learn.
He then showed them out, locked
the door behind them and handed them a spare key, this is for when the
warrant arrives. I just got the house back in
order; you now have on that disk everything I have about the case.
I verbally give you two alone permission and no other leave to enter
and warrantless search these premises
anytime 7/24, please just do not ransack
when searching my residence like last time.
Later when the warrant arrived, the two police women blocked the search
team entry, by taking and ripping the warrant up.
Stating you heard the person of interest,
we do not require a warrant, you saw him give us a key and
heard the verbal permission for only
the two of us to search these premises. That’s the way it will be,
besides we do it this way this place is now open to our search 7/24,
to which the senior officers present
Robert for the next six days, was in a 16 hour on, 8 hour of sleep schedule, he was able to convince the Pistol and Rifle club to accept him as a member.
He simply told them his
“NO SHIT” story. Yes, it sounds insane, but I am not one of those
Black Helicopter types, as a background check will reveal.
So, for twice a day
two hours in the morning, two hours in the
late afternoon he was at the Club’s training
range taking instruction on the use and handling of fire arms. On that
first day he found his weapon of choice and paid a deposit in full,
for a M1911A1 U.S. Army Service pistol, which was standard issue until
1985, he used in his long ago basic
Army training and serving for one honorable
three year enlistment.
With the
ten day background check and delay on sales of firearms it means
it will be eleven days before he can mount any rescue, this gives him
this time to prepare. Robert realizes his Perlita
will be in whoever’s hand for the
10 days to be armed +7 days already
+1to ready equals 18 days. That Cowboy can
likely have Perlita broken and ponygirl
trained, opposed to 11 days for Jenny Carson. Robert
strangely is praying if any form of
accelerated mentally breaking programming using electro-shock is used,
instead of the preferred sadistic physical abuse, which leaves permanent
physical damage. Robert further prays that
his Coffee only will be subject to being pierced with Ponygirl rings
and none of the pony surgery adjustments
that can include, loss of voice, muting by cutting the vocal cords.
Nerve damage to bowel and bladder control to further their
humiliation, by forcing livestock like toilet habits. The
shoeing of their feet to become hooves, and
worst of all amputation of limbs. Ranging from just the hands and feet
for the use of hoof prosthesis, to full amputation of the
entire arms, instead of simple bondage.
He does not even want to think that Perlita, his beloved Coffee has
been lobotomized.
When not at the
Club Firing Range, Robert is in full research mode, reviewing maps of
the Olivine siding and the area around it. From Google Earth satellite
maps with a high degree of competence
he has indentified the likely location where Jenny and also Perlita
are. But still needs to find out about
its operation, the number of Ponygirls in training
one groom/trainer per 4 to 6 Ponygirls
would be a good indication how many hostiles he will have to eliminate,
yes admitting to himself likely have to
To that objective he at mid-day
Friday makes an unscheduled visit to a junior deputy legal attaché
in the Los Angeles Mexican Consulate. Robert knows like the Asian culture
and Face, the Latino Culture prides itself on showing
Respect. Robert Wilson shows his respect by being totally
honest; he reveals everything he has first
without pre-conditions to a very Junior Deputy Legal Attaché.
rare open display of respect by a North
Americano-Gringo impresses the very junior
JDL Attaché; he reciprocates by sharing the latest information on human
trafficking Mexico into Southern California. From the sub-section data
on sexual trafficking, listed major
source for ponygirls and other exotics is Calexico Exports. Robert learns
there is a rumored unconfirmed Ponygirl
Training Factory Farm somewhere between San Diego and Los Angeles. Which
has a regular Ponygirl Auction about
every eight months; the next one Federally Intelligence is guessing
should be in less than 3 weeks at the most.
Together they estimate that since the last auction there should be
thirty to thirty-six girls now in ponygirl conversion obtained from
Calexico Imports. The Attaché notes that does not include other sources
locally such as from the local train which you, Mr. Wilson seem to
confirm two.
Robert’s other research
has shown that in that region there have been
additionally four missing high school
senior and college coeds in the 16 to 24 age range
who vanished during the last six months. So,
best to assume forty Ponygirls in transformation soon
ready for Auction. Means at 1groom/trainer per
4 Pony Trainees, 10 permanent operating
training/grooms ponygirl personal, also
must account for site support and logistics. One Vet, with One Nurse/aid,
one Administrator for paperwork and of course the leader or Boss of
the Organization, making at minimum
15 permanent staff on that Pony Girl Facility.
Damn! Robert
comments for a permanent operation
of this size, such as this there must be outside security.
It’s time to look into the local police/sheriff
assigned to the Olivine area; Robert is
now ready to walk the ground. Next
Sunday, he will take the early a.m. Surfliner,
depart the train at Solano Beach Station and
walk the rails north back to the Oceanside Station.
Picking up at that station one of the
late northbounds, so to get a good
look closely at the Olivine siding
ground and see if I can pick up anything more by direct inspection.
It is Wednesday
morning sunrise at the Pony Factory Training Farm, inland east near
Olivine siding, Coffee, Amber and Brownie have completed the morning
grooming and feeding routine. Trainer George is leading them to the
Training Treadmills again this morning without a word to them.
Once at the treadmills they are joined by another Trainer,
whose Collar reads “The Boss” he is leading clearly, a
brand new acquired Ponygirl Trainee still with her ball bit gag.
The Boss tells George, ok get your ponies trotting, Pony Jenny I want
you to observe and learn how Ponygirls trot. While you learn to walk,
soon there are three training ponies in their 2.5 mph trotting rhythms
and one pony in training slowly walking at 1 mph each on a treadmill.
George complains
openly to the Boss, “Boss you are going to delay my training
schedule.” The Boss replies, George shut up and do what I tell you
and how dare you argue in front of the Ponies. If you have a disagreement,
you voice it privately! Do you understand, the tone of the Boss made
it clear to George that one more word and he will be fired. Trainer
George, swallowed his pride, then stepped back one step and in an
controlled neutral tone said “YES, Boss Sorry Boss.”
George remembered that the last staff member
that was fired, found themselves being muted and trained as a donkey.
All four ponies clearly heard the exchange and wondered what that was
all about between the Trainer and Boss?
before the mid-day break the Boss stepped up to Pony Jenny with crop
in hand, Pony Jenny I think you can try a short trot now and raised
the treadmill rate to 1.5 mph, Jenny looking at the Coffee Complexioned
Ponygirl across from her raised her knees hi and stepped into the trot
gate. The Boss pleased said, good Pony Jenny
watching the others you learned to raise your knees high and
lean into each step as you trot. The Boss satisfied increased
the treadmill very slowly to the same 2.5 mph rate that the other three
ponies were at; Jenny was able to adjust her gate with the slow rate
of increase. At 2.5 mph she started to rock her shoulders and then felt
the crop sting across both shoulders leaving
thin red marks. The Boss told Jenny, Ponygirls trot with shoulders level.
Pony Jenny look again at Pony
Coffee; old as she is, her trot is near perfect. Knee
rose high on each step, which she leans into and you could balance a
cup on each shoulder and not a drop will be spilled. Jenny looked at
Pony Coffee, in her mind the thought exploded, could that
possibly be Robert Wilson’s wife? She does not look that old.
Jenny felt the whack of the crop under her knees, the Boss saying you
lowered your knees keep them high! Jenny returned her concentration
on properly trotting. As she sought follow the example
Pony Coffee set across from her.
At the mid-day 30 minute break with the snack of granola, dried fruit and being watered there was no time for Jenny to try making contact, but how? Now that Jenny could no longer speak, even when her ball gag is removed, to it appears to be replaced by blinders and a bit in time.
During the break it became
clear the Cowboy Boss was in charge
of their training now; the four ponies had no doubt about it. When out
of ear shot, but not line of sight they saw Trainer George and
the Boss in a heated exchange. The Three ponies Coffee, Amber and Brownie
did their best to conceal their smiles that they were no longer in the
complete control of that Trainer Monster. Jenny noticed the smiles
behind the bits and wondered what was there to smile about in this nightmare.
After the break Ponies Coffee, Amber and Brownie were put into programmed Canter drills on the Treadmills. The automatic program started with a slow trot at 1.5 mph for 5 minutes to warm up. Then a regular trot at 2.5 mph for 25 minutes, into a fast trot at 3.5 mph for 15 minutes.
Then a flashing light on the
display indicated to the Pony to switch gates to a Canter as the treadmill
rate increased to 4.5 miles per hour and held it there for 15 minutes.
The Canter
gate was a longer step, which allowed a lower knee rise and the matching
shoulder were to rock forward and back with each Canter step, so when
the right hoof rose the right shoulder came forward, right hoof planted
the shoulder rocked back as that leg and hoof pushed the Pony forward.
The same action was repeated with the left side, so the right and left
A Ponygirl in near perfect
Canter is true beauty in motion, from the front the
ringed breasts are swinging back and forth, from the rear the hips,
buttocks and tail swing with the canter motion. Amazingly
old Pony Coffee’s Canter was one of those rare beyond images of perfection
and as the physical excise tightened her muscles, trimming her figure,
for her physically becoming a Ponygirl was to reverse the
physical flow of aging.
It has only been over a week
and a-half, with the ponygirl low fat, hi fiber diet and 12-14 hours
daily constant exercise notability
her breasts, butt are were rounder, riding higher, firmer, Coffee’s
legs and upper body muscles are tighter
becoming more defined. The most notable change is the round middle age
belly, is flattening in a very short time to be flat, with a bare hint
of female convex roundness.
After 15 minutes at the Canter,
the treadmill would slow to the 1.5 mph rate and the light would stop
flashing indicating to the Pony to return to the trot gate. This 1.5
mph was the rest gate for the Ponygirl and after 30 minutes, the cycle
of 2.5 mph for 25, followed by 3.5 mph for 15 and the top 4.5 mph for
15 with the flashing light would auto
cycle. The role of the Trainer, was with his crop
too administer correction.
Jenny was put on a treadmill
at the 2.5 mph rate, the Boss said
Pony Jenny you have mastered your hooves, time you master trotting,
that is now your standard gate. Pony Jenny you will trot everywhere
from now on. So, trot and build up your Stamina. Use Pony Coffee as
your idol, she’s likely twice your age and look at the result, as
a Ponygirl the flow of aging has reversed for her.
Both the inner human Perlita
and the now outside dominant Pony Coffee
shield persona heard this praise and had the same thought,
“Would that we could show Robert” For since Robert’s first heart
attack, he put himself on an daily
diet and exercise routine that had returned his weight, muscles and
body figure to what it was when they were first married, with him clearly
appearing twenty-five years younger than his true age. Perlita was lax
in her commitment to do the same, now circumstances have
started to force the same similar physical changes upon her.
So, the training continued
until the Pony Frolic bell sounded and the equipment was powered down.
The Boss reattached the spreader bar/hobble between the knees of Jenny
and Coffee, while George did the same on
Amber and Brownie, then led the two pair of ponies to be released into
the Frolic Paddock.
Jenny was not mentally ready
for what she was about to see, Jenny until this week did not know
about the existence of Ponygirls. In the Paddock it was the
many of the same images Jenny saw on the Monitor for
the last two days. But here it is real,
there are about three dozen Ponygirls spread around the grassy fenced
in paddock. Jenny sees Ponygirls in pairs kissing, groups rubbing each
other and there are a few engaged openly
in apparent mutual lesbian oral sexual activity.
Jenny looks and notices how
close Ponies Amber and Brownie are standing
next to each other, beginning to snuggle against each other.
They’re coming closer to Jenny and
Pony Coffee is directly approaching
with a questioning look? Jenny misunderstands this look,
panics thinking oh god, they want me to be lesbian with
them also, I got to get away. Gagged, without a voice how can I
explain, say no? Jenny’s is again silently crying with tears as she
trots away from them to an open area
in the paddock with patch of dirt nearby.
Jenny falls to her knees head down and continues to
silently cry.
senses then feels Pony Coffee on her knee’s beside her, Jenny thinks’
no-no it’s a friend I need now, not a sex partner,
a friend, without my voice how can I
tell you this?
Jenny feels Pony Coffee’s
breath on her left ear, Jenny’s mind and libido screams
“please be a friend!”
Coffee whispers in Jenny’s
ear, “please Jenny let me be your friend.”
Jenny shocked hearing Coffee’s whisper turns to face
her; Jenny’s eyes are wide open with questions.
Coffee nods yes, indicating
yes I know you heard me. Jenny puts her head on Coffee’s shoulder
as her tears flow. Coffee feels the wet tears on her
bare shoulder and whispers now in Jenny’s right ear.
”Thank you Jenny we will be friends.”
Jenny they have taken our voices, but not our whispers, you also will
be able to whisper once the ball gag removed. Please keep it a secret,
Ponygirls can whisper to each other.
Jenny as my friend you should
know my real, as these trainers call it my
former human name, its Perlita Wilson.
Jenny shot up! Looking at Perlita-Pony Coffee trying to will the fact that your husband Robert Wilson is looking for you! Jenny sees the patch of dirt, stands up and with the tip of her hoof draws and “R” Pony Coffee comes up and whispers in Jenny’s ear, “are you telling me something?”
Jenny nods yes! Pony Coffee
whispers “R” Jenny rubs out the R and draws an
“O” Pony Coffee whispers “O” Jenny again nods YES!
At this time Ponies Amber
and Brownie have jointed them, they wonder what is going on?
Jenny rubs out the O and now draws a “B” Coffee whispers “B” then puts the three letters together whispers “R, O, B, ROB”
Pony Coffee and inner Perlita
burst a Whisper of “ROBERT, My Fox?” Jenny is shaking her head yes-yes-yes.
Pony Coffee puts it all together
and whispers simple yes, no questions to Jenny.
Pony Coffee’s Questions
Whisper you know my Robert? Jenny nods yes.
Whisper you saw my Robert two Sunday’s ago, then I was taken? Jenny nods yes.
Whisper you saw him on
the last Sunday train?
Whisper they took you from the same last Sunday train? Jenny nods yes.
was he looking for me?
did he notice where you where taken off the train and
will he find us? Jenny with again tears nods yes-yes!
The both of them have their
faces on each other’s bare shoulder.
With tears while leaning against each other they
slowly drop to their knees. Pony Coffee whispers to Pony Jenny Thank
you Jenny for this, we now have hope, Robert who is my husband and my
prince of Foxes will find and rescue us all, from this Hell.
Ponies Amber, Brownie overhearing
the whispered news are now closely
happily snuggling, rubbing together at this
joyous news. Pony Coffee’s Husband
Robert is coming; they have heard the love in Coffee’s whispers
when she told them about him. That now in all their twenty years together
when there were times when his best was not enough, he
surprised her always managing somehow
to do what was required. He must indeed be
a special Husband, or as they now are starting to think of themselves
as ponygirls, a very special Master.
Across the paddock leaning
on the fence watching, misinterpreting what they see,
thinking the pairs are in foreplay as a prelude to sex,
the Cowboy Boss says there you go George.
See how quickly those two pair are ready for forced 69’s starting
tonight, Amber, Brownie I noticed the signs
you could have started a day or two ago.
Where in my opinion it appears that
old pony Coffee and young pony Jenny
have chosen, at today at first sight
accepted being ponygirl sex partners.
George as you know converting
them to accept their lesbian ponygirl nature is more easily done with
a pre-chosen stable mate, they are clearly paired
Amber, Brownie and Coffee, Jenny. Tonight we force
partner these pairs, to help them along
quickly into the second stage. With
Ponygirl Oral Sex and bonding them
emotionally by mid next week, completing stage two. Also I would not
be surprised to be able to auction
them at a good price together as a
matched draft ponygirl team. Lastly George not a word about the forced
69’s until we have their faces into each
other’s pussies tonight.
The four ponies finished this
training day in open high spirits, performing
physically at a clearly higher level than they were before. Those around
them could not help but notice, however starting with the
Farm Cowboy Boss, down the staff ranks,
they all misinterpreted. The staff
rumor was out shortly before the evening feeding there was to be two
pair Ponygirls in forced 69’s tonight and everyone
who cared could see who they were to be.
So, after the
nightly feeding, watering and rub down
routine, Ponies Coffee, Jenny were placed standing together, with Ponies
Amber, Brownie the same in front of the stall three of the four ponies
shared. Their blinders and bits, in Jenny’s case her ball gag were
exchanged with a 0-ring bit in their mouths. The
0-ring bit was designed to hold their mouths open and forced them to
stick their tongues through the 0-ring.
The Boss stepped
in front of them tonight I have orders for you, tonight you will learn
to use your tongues to show how much you like your
stall mate. Ponies stick your tongues out
or feel the crop and shock. So, humiliated by how silly they look
standing there, with their tongues out.
The Boss repeats “This is part of your training, if at any time tonight
you do not have your tongue out of your mouth
communicating to your stall mate how much you like them, you
both will feel pain.”
We will
begin; the four ponies next had a hood fitted over their heads,
which the added eye patches to blind and
the ear pads to add deafness to their being ponygirl
mute. However their mouths were free of obstruction and any
time they started or appeared not to have
their tongues sticking fully out were
whacked in pairs, which encouraged them to keep the tongue firmly struck
out. Through all of this the two Pony pairs were kept close
side by side closely touching each other, Coffee, Jenny and Amber, Brownie
realized who it was clear will be their stall mate tonight and wondered
for how long. Wondered what kind of training this
sticking your tongue out was? Both pair wondering how
they were to communicate with their
Ponies Coffee, Jenny were
taken side by side into the stall first, Pony Coffee was put down on
her left side and soon felt Jenny placed on her left side beside
her, front to front. Both of them realize that their heads are toward
the hooves of the other, as they now think of their feet,
on the straw covered stall floor. When
either tongue are not sticking out of their mouths they
both are reminded again with a whack of the riding crop,
to bring out the tongues again. They then feel being
tightly strapped together at their mid section; both feel the other’s
breasts on their bare belly under their own breasts.
It was with the next action
it became clear to both of the ponies
how the Boss wanted them to communicate with tongues. The Boss with
Jenny’s head, Trainer George with Coffee’s Head at the same time
buried their faces in the other’s pussy. Securing it there by a strap
from the top of the hood to the bound
behind the back arms that kept the
head between the legs mouth centered over the
other’s clitoris. To keep the mouth and face from turning away, they
attached straps to both sides of the hood which wrapped around the leg
of that side and back. With these three straps the
head, mouth and face was centered for forced 69’s oral sex.
The straps were just
loose enough to allow free breathing and more importantly to allow a
little movement to help them rub each other for
sexual arousal. During the head placement, they both had withdrawn their
tongues as far back into their mouths as they could; the Boss
seeing this says to George; well I will fix that
and again gave both Pony Coffee and Pony Jenny, a
strong quick electric jolt. He was pleased to see after that
electric jolt both tongues shot out further,
firmer than before and start to tongue each
other’s labial lips, the clitoris ring and
the blind, silence of her hood what is happening with
the dual persona’s of Pony Coffee-Human Perlita after realizing they
have been ordered to perform lesbian oral sex; The dual persona in
this body is at a loss, questions what do we do?
The Coffee persona saying, we must endure for Robert is coming and he
will find us. Both personas feel the electric jolt and
felt Jenny has also been shocked. They do
not want to be the cause of Jenny’s pain,
especially since Jenny’s news renewed their
rescue hopes. So, Perlita-Coffee sticks her tongue
firmly out, with her tongue Perlita-Coffee
feels Jenny’s clitoris ring, the
labial lips and Jenny’s clitoris, along with surprising the sweet
taste of Jenny. She now feels Jenny’s tongue exploring just like she
did with the clitoris ring, the labial
lips and clitoris. Jenny’s tongue
in return first touching her clitoris
feels good, then when Jenny’s second firmer tonguing touched her clitoris,
the pleasurable memories of oral sex with Robert flood
into her mind and in those overwhelming
memories the human Perlita persona reacts
by momentary assuming body control. During that few minutes
which the human persona is in control, in the memories
both Perlita and Coffee persona losses track of time, aware of only
the memories of pleasurable oral sex with Robert.
After a few minutes of
that pleasurable awareness, that lost time,
Perlita-Coffee finds that in those lost minutes she has sealed her lips
around Jenny’s Clitoris hood. With the sucking and her
tongue has pulled Jenny’s clitoris ring into her mouth.
Coffee’s tongue is looped through the
clitoral ring and is firmly tonguing
Jenny’s clitoris, through this entire
time Jenny tastes sweeter than before. Pony persona Coffee
internally asks why? The inner human persona Perlita replies, because
Jenny so reminded me of oral sex with Robert,
concentrate on the pleasure that Jenny is giving us.
Both personas realize our choice tonight is simple, do we accept pleasure
and something more than friendship, or would
do we choose to jointly suffer pain?
The answer was clear, pleasure for pleasure and not pain for
Coffee and Jenny.
The personas united in their
choice Pony Coffee started to suck
on Jenny harder, Jenny’s clitoris
reacted by expanding, enlarged in a
Female erection response. The female clitoris has more nerve endings
than the head of a male penis, which
were being directly tongued and tugged by the ring in
the base of Jenny’s Clitoris. Coffee at her
bare belly could feel Jenny’s nipples harden and extend,
poking her bare belly. As were her own nipples were
now doing. Jenny responded was to repeat
doing the same directly back to Coffee as
her signal of agreement. Together they
mutually headed together toward their
arousal peak; they both started to rotate their hips
in time together.
the blind, silence of her hood simultaneous
what is happening with Jenny Carson
after realizing they have been commanded to perform lesbian oral sex;
Jenny has no real experience to cope with this circumstance. I’m not
a virgin, since giving that away high school prom night and
her one heterosexual oral sex experience was so bad I have not even
been tempted to repeat. Jenny feels the
painful electric jolt and feels the shaking of Coffee who also was shocked,
I do not want that! Jenny firmly sticks out her tongue, the first thing
she tastes how sweet Coffee is, as her tongue explores that sweetness
feels Coffee’s clitoris ring, lips and clitoris itself.
When Jenny’s tongue
first touched Coffee’s clitoris, Jenny felt Coffee’s
small shiver, Jenny firmly tongues Coffee’s clitoris a
second time and the shiver, is now
a racking one of Coffee’s entire body.
Thinking our choice tonight is pain
together at the hands of those trainer
bastards or pleasure with Robert’s wife
who asked to be my friend? It was then Jenny felt
Robert’s wife, Pony Coffee becoming active,
thinking I know she is older-married and has more
sexual experience but wonders as a Lesbian?
As Jenny felt Coffee seal
her lips around her clitoris and starts to suck on her, Jenny was
sexually aroused in a way she never expected. Thinking
“Oh God” what is this? Then Jenny felt Coffee loop her tongue around
her clitoral ring and tug-pull it fully
into her mouth, Jenny’s libido was
taken to her next arousal level and
she started to respond in kind. She also sealed her lips to Coffee clitoris
and sucked in Coffee’s sweetness. Jenny looped her tongue around
Coffee’s ring and drew it into her mouth. As she did these things,
Jenny herself found in performing this lesbian oral
sex adding to her arousal in a way the
one time heterosexual sucking of a man’s dick
had never done for her libido. Jenny unknowing was bursting through
the barriers of Ponygirl Lesbian sex
as if it was no more than a speed bump. This barrier being broken was
confirmed when she started to tongue
caress Coffee’s now enlarged female erect
clitoris. Jenny felt Coffee suck at her
clitoris harder, Jenny’s libido has never been this
sexually engaged, thinking to herself,
“Oh my God I am also having an erection, yes a female
clitoral erection.” Jenny feels her and Coffee’s nipples standing
hard poking each other’s bare bellies, which just makes
their nipples harder.
The tug on her
clitoral ring and Coffee’s tongue
caressing me back, confirms we are agreed, we choose pleasure, lesbian
or not come what may. Jenny is rotating her hips in time with Coffee
together heading to their arousal peak, the final climax and the
bound forced closeness during the afterglow.
As the
Cowboy Boss and Trainer George observe Ponies Coffee, Jenny quickly
turn Lesbian to them in record time.
Damn! The Cowboy Boss reacts, which because of the hoods, the ponies
cannot see or hear them standing there in the stall.
George, I admit I did not expect this, it’s like for them there was
no lesbian sex barriers.
Trainer George agrees:
Boss you are right, I have in all my years as a groom and Trainer
never seen the Ponygirl Sex Barrier treated like a speed bump. Well
Boss time to 69 and get Ponies Amber and Brownie
also pony girl lesbian.
So, with Ponies Amber, Brownie
on their right sides, head to hooves, faces in the other pussy, strapped
tightly together, mouths Centered on the clitoris and
tongues sticking out. Again after a quick jolt of electricity not as
fast reacting but soon Ponies Amber and Brownie were as 69 lesbian as
Ponies Coffee and Jenny.
There was one factor the Boss
and George did not know about these two
Latina girl friends being Ponygirl trained, was as
children they enjoyed touching, playing
each other’s bodies. Only when they started to develop their female
parts did the families step in and forbid such body
touching and play between them. Amber and Brownie never understood why
and now again they were being allowed to
touch, play with the others body. At first this way of play was strange,
but it feels so good to touch and be kissed on their lower lips and
clitoris. As they started their paired
cycle of arousal, sexual peaking and the final climax.
Followed by the bound forced closeness during the afterglow.
Throughout this night, the
Pony pairs repeated the cycle of arousal, pushing each other to the
levels of sexual peaks, the final climax
and the soft sharing of the afterglow. A nap to recover, to wake up
or be awoken to begin the sexual cycle all over again.
The number of cycles does
not matter only that these paired physically
complete stage one ponygirls, now stage two
sexually bonding ponygirls as future days and nights will prove.
same night and morning to the north, Robert Wilson is deep
a sleep in a wet dream, only his libido aware that he is stoking-masturbating
himself to multiple ejaculations and climaxes. Deep a sleep in the wet
dream of his firm penis in Coffee’s mouth, the results which he will
discover upon awakening.
End Part three Barriers Broken, Bonding Formed
Sub story Life accepts Change