The Raja's Nag

by Integral
- do not use without permission.

Fanta was a beautiful woman with a love for gold and jewels. High born, she thought it was her natural right to be married of someone of great status and that her husband should shower her with all the silver, gold and precious stones that his wealth could buy...
Unfortunately for Fanta, her husband, The Raja; while he was a man of great wealth and status, was also a man of strong will, high education and a fascination for the way certain words in the English Language seem to have more than one meaning.
Like the word 'Nag':
1. Someone who finds fault with or scolds persistantly
2. A horse (especially saddle horse ).
Which perfectly described his soon- to- be ex-wife and her darning needle tongue.
These days, Fanta has learned about the word 'humility' and to keep her tongue still. Especially when she's parked outside the village temple in all her golden finery....