Scientist's Nightmare 3

- by ponygirl_shyla


The entranceway to Crystal Chicago Hospital evokes a sense of serenity as patients and loved ones, along with staff walk in and out, 24 hours a day. The grounds offers relaxing for patient and loved ones alike, and their facilities are touted as second to none.

Around 20:47 PM, a police car races to the emergency side of the hospital. Two officers rush in, screaming for a doctor. Inside, officer Celestine White lies dying, a gunshot wound to her neck. Another officer sits behind her, propping her up and trying to stem the bleeding.

As she is carted to the ER, doctors swarm over the officer, as her kin and fellow officers erupt outside, trying to console and comfort each other.

The ER works hard to save officer White. But, an hour later, she is pronounced dead…


Modern day necromancy, that’s what traditional science thinks of Cyborgs.

No country on Earth passed laws allowing anyone, whether it was consensual or not to have oneself augmented to such lengths. Rather, laws banning such actions were passed, as concerns over moral and social issues reared their ugly heads. Ghost in the Shell was mere fiction. Bladerunner nothing more than science farce.


The body of Officer White finds it’s way to a secret lab in SuperMega Tokyo 10 days after her death. Her corpse was stolen right out of the Crystal Chicago Hospital morgue, and as her body lays in a cryogenic tube, her relatives and fellow officers begin a riot against the hospital.

But the scientists in care of her body have no frivolous interest in listening to the events happening in Chicago. Rather, Celestine is chopped up, her brain and nervous system is ripped out of her body.

In another room, her internals are meticulously placed into a Cyborg body. Wires and fluids reactivate her brain and nervous system.

She is brought back to life, but not on her own free will.


Waking up, Celestine only thought is where she is. Her memory has been wiped clean. No trace of the shooting, her former life, her childhood, or her past memories before she fell under came back to haunt her.

"Hello," says a voice from the side. "I’m your new owner. My what a nice toy for me to play with!"

Celestine tries to look towards the direction of the voice, but cannot. Her entire body is firmly locked into place on a table.

The new owner looks over her new toy. A nude Cyborg slave, with the mind and nervous system of Celestine, and a body of metal and flesh, perfect for the Dominant.

Ample 36 C breasts to provide a suitable target for lashes and obedience. Bio-organic flesh to absorb blows, yet provide much needed pain ad pleasure to the slave. Advanced technology even unbenounced to the Mistress herself. And, silver hair, different from Celestine’s red hair when she was alive.

The mechanics of the Cyborg body seamlessly melt under the skin, almost being human in some cases.


"Now, now, don’t get too giddy; I only bought her as a practice tool," said another voice.

"Oh, you don’t allow me to have any fun!!"

"If I allowed you to have any fun, I’d make you my slave. Got it??"

"Hmrph. You’re always…."



Celestine looked around, trying to see the faces, or the source of the voices, but couldn’t. All she could see was the ceiling, a white ceiling.


The voice of mischief began to talk again.

"I know you cannot see me, so, I’ll describe myself to you. I’m Domina Stark. A 25 year old Domina in training. I am 5’7", blonde hair, and very slim line for my age. I’m here to train for a position under my Master, Master Irons. That other voice is my teacher, Mistress Raven. She’s a grouch at my tactics."

"I heard that!!"

"She’s like that. She disapproves of my tactics. I’m what the S&M community calls a non-conformist Domme. I don’t like adhering to the stuff that any idiot could download off the Net."

Domina Stark began to walk around, out of view of Celestine. She was admiring her new "teaching aid," much like any student with a frog to dissect the first time.

"Now then, you’re wondering what you’re doing her. You probably have no recollection of anything before this event. Let’s just say, whoever did you, erased your "Hard Drive" clean and installed the basic functions. Breathing, seeing, running your body…the basics."

Celestine could hear footsteps from a distance coming closer. Then, she saw a black-gloved hand passing what looked like a small mini-disc pass to another hand above her.

"Now, I’m gonna be putting this little thing into your neck…."

Celestine could feel the voice push something into her neck. Then, a click.

"There we go…now, your internal circuitry will decode that program and turn you into what we want!!"

"Fortunately, I got the program I wanted you to learn personally Stark," added Mistress Raven. "It’s a Ponygirl Program."

"But they have a set rules system! I won’t even make the first stroke."

"Well, you have all the time to do it, but Master Irons is expecting me to see to it you finish, no matter how long it takes, or what measures I take."


A year passed. Several discs were needed to train Domina Stark into a suitable employee to her Master. Mistress Raven made sure that she did her job as outlined by Master Irons, even if it meant a few "motivations."


Celestine was "named" TK-1127, as that was her serial number body. Advances in Cyborg technology had progressed, and TK-1127 was considered obsolete. But, Mistress Raven felt that TK-1127 was a perfect going away gift to Domina Stark for her to have.


Mistress Raven sat on a balcony overlooking where she lived. A green light shone in the distance across the water.

She sipped some wine, and looked towards a fellow dominant’s estate that was nearby.

"I wonder what Jordan is doing right now?"