Ride like the Wind

- by
(_) (_)

He comes to me on a moonlit night.
Adjusting my saddle;
Prepare we for flight.

For He is my Master,
and I am His steed.

I do as instructed;
Fulfill every need.

Whipping me harder,
we race 'cross the plains.

Fast as I dare;
To out run the rains.

Ride like the wind.
Feel my power and speed.

For you are my Master,
and I am your steed.

On we shall ride,
'till day turns to night.

Then rest awhile,
and await the new light.

You unstrap my saddle and build a small fire.
Then, under starlight;
Unbridle desire.

Forged by your passion,
and quenched in my dreams;
The fabric of time,
comes apart at the seams.

Copyright © 2000 -- Lucius.
All rights reserved. Posted here with permission.
Do not repost nor repurpose without permission.