Pony Waif by Night
By Roberta Angela Dee

Above my head,
A billion stars spread upon a black sheet,
While invisible creature fly about, checking me out;
And I stand alone in a clearing, blanketed by the moonlight,
Separated from the woman who tamed me -- my feminine knight.

A falling star seems as lost as I,
Descending from its cold black sky;
Fiery insects capture my eyes --
All these psychedelic flies.
We females need to feel safe.
So, why am I here feeling like a pony waif;
Standing still, fearing to roam,
And longing for my lady's home?

A pony girl this day, a pony waif this night,
Another mortal seeking a savior
From her plight,
Is there not one god to decipher
My primitive prayer,
Is there not one god who cares?

Rescue this lost ebony unicorn,
So fearful, so forlorn --
Abandoned as though I have done some wrong.
I do not understand the rules by which
Fate plays,
And seek only a safe, secure place to graze.

Look into my pony eye and see my pony tear;
Is it my tack or my style that she truly reveres?
One pony seeking out a single star,
a woman who can speak her fears,
and train submissives to be debonair.
Standing alone on solid ground,
perhaps to lost to be found.

Copyright © 2000 -- Roberta Angela Dee.
All rights reserved. Posted here with permission.
Do not repost nor repurpose without permission.